Confidence And Assertiveness Training Course

Boost Your Confidence and Assertiveness With Your Colleagues, Clients and Managers


Develop Your Skills

Feel empowered and competent mastering assertiveness with tailored, real-world practice.

Develop Your Emotions

Experience transformative professional growth by harnessing emotional intelligence in communication.

Make Lasting Changes

Achieve sustainable behavioural improvements with personalised and ongoing coaching support.

Refine your communication skills by learning to harness your emotional intelligence with one of the UK's most acclaimed management training courses.

Why Choose This Training?

More Than Just A Course Of Lectures

What gets in the way of developing and holding on to new communication skills are old habits of thinking and speaking. Even if the advice is very good the reason why it rarely sticks are the mental habits people inevitably revert to, especially under pressure.

Unlearning those old habits and internalising a more effective and lasting approach to communication needs more than a short course of lectures on how to do it.

What Makes This Training Stand Out?

What makes this training stand out is the exceptional support through one-to-one coaching sessions and continuous feedback. Changing behaviour is not an easy task as old habits are hard to break.

With a 40-year track record we can help you cultivate practical skills, and build your confidence to so you can successfully navigate real-world challenges, ensuring lasting behavioural improvements.


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"What I love about this course is that I didn't just learn about the topic, this course is about ME.  I'm confident I can reliably use my new skills, even when under pressure".

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A Project Manager At A Tech Company

"A lesson for life! The power of effective communication is incredible when one masters the skills "listening with empathy" and "speaking assertively"

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A Project Quality Engineer

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Course Summary

Training Objectives

Many people struggle with speaking up or feeling sure of themselves. Did you know that confidence and assertiveness are skills you can learn? This confidence and assertiveness training course will guide you through boosting your self-confidence and becoming more assertive. We will explore how developing assertive behavior is key to building self-confidence, distinguishing it from mere dominance and providing you with the techniques to grow. It could change your life!

  • Confidence is believing in your own worth and abilities, while assertiveness involves expressing your needs and views clearly without being overbearing or passive.
  • Improve self-confidence by challenging negative thoughts, setting achievable goals, practicing self-care and positive thinking. Building assertiveness requires learning to stand up for yourself calmly in difficult situations and using open-ended questions to foster dialogue.
  • Early childhood experiences influence one's level of confidence and assertiveness. Overcoming these influences involves recognising past patterns and actively working towards a more positive self-view.
  • Dealing with dominant personalities effectively requires understanding their behaviour's root causes, maintaining composure, setting firm boundaries, and employing clear communication strategies.
  • Body language contributes significantly to how confidently and assertively we come across to others. Maintaining eye contact, good posture, and speaking clearly can enhance the perception of confidence.

Develop Your Emotional Intelligence

You will learn a set of powerful emotional intelligence communication techniques so that you can manage difficult conversations, handle challenging situations, build relationships and set firm boundaries.

Transferable Skills

The goal of this training is to equip you with the tools you need to build strong, lasting relationships in your professional life, although because these skills are so transferable many clients report vast improvements in their personal relationships as well.

Develop Skills

This is a skills development rather than just a theoretical programme, so the emphasis throughout will be on you taking turn after turn, practising your skills, while receiving feedback and coaching about your effect on others.

Repeated Practice and Feedback

In your coaching sessions you will be helped to practise dealing with the kinds of situation you find challenging, again and again, until you are confident you can do it successfully.

Video Analysis

We'll combine practical, hands-on experience with video replay and analysis and discussion of the principles involved to help you gain both skills and understanding. Special attention is paid to your individual training needs, so you can practise your skills in real-life situations that you have to handle at work.

Sustained Change

That's why as well as your place in a small group, this training includes a generous amount of private and confidential one-to-one coaching sessions online, spread over several months, ensuring an exceptional level of support. This will ensure the changes you make are sustained over a longer period of time and any obstacles are overcome. Choose between online training available worldwide, or in-person face-to-face courses in the UK.

Course Dates and Price

For a list of upcoming course dates (for online coaching and face-to-face training), the locations of the next 3-day public courses in the UK and pricing Click here.

Free Initial Session

This initial coaching session serves as an introduction to the "Skills with People" course, allowing you to understand the course's relevance and effectiveness for your specific needs before committing to it.

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Learn how to tune in to others and enable them to tune in to you

Defining Confidence and Assertiveness Training

Confidence is feeling sure about your worth and abilities. Assertiveness means expressing your views and needs clearly, without being passive or aggressive, and it plays a crucial role in dealing effectively with other people's behaviour, especially in social interactions involving bullies or aggressive individuals.

Explanation of terms and differences between them

Confidence is all about trusting your own abilities and feeling secure in yourself. It's a quiet inner knowledge that you're capable of handling what life throws at you. Assertiveness, on the other hand, is how you express your confidence outwardly – it's standing up for yourself and your beliefs in a respectful way.

While self-confidence focuses on "feeling," assertiveness is all about "doing." Both are essential for personal growth, but they operate in different spheres of our experiences.

Confidence lets you stand firm on your feet; assertiveness allows those feet to move forward.

Although they share similarities, such as improving one’s stance against bullying dominant behaviour or overcoming low self esteem, the ways they manifest are distinct. Building confidence might involve changing negative self-talk into positive affirmations.

Boosting your assertiveness building self confidence might mean learning to say no without feeling guilty. The goal is to blend these qualities effectively, using self confidence as the foundation upon which more assertive behaviour can be constructed - creating a balance that fosters healthy interactions and personal satisfaction.

Importance of possessing both

Having confidence and assertiveness means you trust yourself while also respecting others. This mix helps you share your thoughts in a way that makes people listen without feeling pushed.

It's like having the best of both worlds - feeling good about who you are and being able to stand up for what matters to you. You don't push others down; instead, you hold your ground with kindness.

This balance is crucial because it steers clear of two extremes: being too shy or coming off as too bossy. People respect those who speak clearly about what they want but still listen to what others have to say.

With both confidence and assertiveness, forming meaningful connections becomes easier, making teamwork and daily interactions smoother.

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Now by involving people he takes them with him

How to Boost Self Confidence

Boosting self-confidence starts with challenging those bad thoughts that tell you can't. It's about treating yourself kind and setting goals you can reach.

Recognising and challenging negative thoughts

Having negative thoughts is like carrying a heavy bag all day. It makes you tired and slows you down. First, notice these thoughts. They are usually about being not good enough or fearing failure.

Think of them as clouds in the sky - they come and go. You have the power to change these thoughts into positive ones.

Next, challenge them. Ask yourself if there's real proof for what you're thinking. Most times, you'll find there isn't any. Replace each negative thought with a positive one that cheers you up or makes you feel strong.

Over time, this practice can help clear your mind from doubts and boost your self-confidence.

Dealing with low self esteem

Low self esteem can make you doubt yourself. You may feel like you're not good enough. To fight this, learn to spot negative thoughts about yourself. Challenge these thoughts and ask if they're really true.

Most times, they’re not. Replace them with positive ones that celebrate your strengths and achievements.

Setting small goals is another way to build confidence. Achieving them gives you a sense of success and pushes away doubts. Also, treat yourself kindly, just as you would a good friend - with care and compassion.

This helps you feel better about who you are inside and out.

Setting achievable goals

Setting goals you can actually reach is a big step towards building confidence. Make sure these goals are clear and possible for you. Start small, like finishing a book or helping someone out.

Then, move to bigger things as you get more confident.

Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.

This way, each time you meet a goal, your belief in yourself grows. Don't aim too high at first - it's better to make tiny steps rather than no steps at all. Celebrate every win; this keeps your spirit up and pushes you further on your journey.

Practicing self-care and self-compassion

Taking good care of oneself is key to feeling confident. This means making time for things that make you feel happy and calm. Eating well, getting enough sleep, and doing activities you enjoy are all part of self-care.

It’s like giving your body and mind a nice treat because they deserve it.

Being kind to yourself is just as important. Everyone makes mistakes or faces tough times. Instead of being hard on yourself, try talking kindly in your head, just like you would to a friend.

This helps build up your strength from the inside out, making you more ready to face challenges confidently.

Developing a positive mindset

To develop a positive mindset, focus on your thoughts. Change them from negative to positive. This means turning "I can't do this" into "I'll try my best". It's about seeing the good in every situation, even when things are tough.

Positive self-talk helps a lot here. Tell yourself you can handle challenges and learn from mistakes.

Surrounding yourself with positive influences is key too. Choose friends who lift you up and believe in you. Avoid people who bring you down or doubt your abilities. Books, movies, and quotes that inspire confidence also add to a positive mindset.

Remember, having a bright outlook makes achieving goals easier and life more enjoyable.

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Learn how to get taken more seriously

Techniques for Building Assertiveness

To grow in assertiveness, one must learn new ways to stand up for oneself. This involves changing how we react and talk in tough spots. It's particularly challenging when facing individuals who aggressively push their agenda to get their way or her own way, often disregarding others' needs or opinions.

Anticipating and preparing for different scenarios

Thinking ahead about different situations can really help. You try to guess what might happen and get ready for it. This means thinking of questions people may ask or problems that could pop up.

Then, you plan how you would answer or solve them. This way, if something unexpected happens, you won't be caught off guard. It's like having a map before you start your journey.

Getting ready involves collecting facts and preparing your arguments too. If someone challenges your ideas, having well-prepared facts makes you stronger in your position. It shows that you've thought things through and aren't just making it up as you go along.

So, practice going over these scenarios in your mind or with a friend; it boosts confidence and sharpens response skills for real-life interactions.

Suggesting the answers to questions with empathy

Open-ended questions are a key tool for becoming more assertive. They help you gather information, understand other people's views, and show respect for their opinions. By answering your own questions, using empathy, the other person still hears it as a quest, and it encourages deeper conversations. For example, if you say, "I imagine you're concerned about ...", most people enjoy it, and will be encouarged to go ahead and respond as if you've asked them a question.

This technique allows you to take part actively in discussions without seeming too pushy.

Mastering the art of open-ended questions also makes sure your own voice gets heard. It's about finding a balance between listening and sharing ideas. You create space for dialogue where both parties feel valued.

This method builds bridges rather than walls, making it easier to express yourself clearly and confidently without stepping on others' toes.

Re-conditioning responses to aggressive behaviour

Re-conditioning responses to aggressive behaviour means changing how we react. It's about taking control of our own reactions instead of letting our own reaction to others' dominant bullying behaviour push us around.

First step? Understand that it's okay to stand your ground. This doesn't mean fighting back with more aggression. Rather, it involves calmness and clear thinking.

Develop new ways to handle scary situations, like when an aggressive person targets you. Practice staying calm and using words wisely to defuse the situation. Remember, turning our natural reaction from fear to confidence takes time but is possible with patience and practice.

The greatest victory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.

Developing faith in one's abilities

Building faith in one's abilities starts with small, achievable goals. Setting these goals and meeting them boosts confidence. It tells the brain, "I can do this." Each success makes it easier to tackle bigger challenges.

Practice is key. The more someone works at something, the better they get.

Positive self-talk also helps a lot. Instead of thinking, "I can't," shifting to "I'll try my best" changes outlooks and outcomes. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses; focusing on strengths builds self-trust.

With time and effort, tapping into one’s own natural style becomes second nature.

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Stand up for your ideas and also respect theirs

Understanding Different Communication Styles

Getting to grips with the four main ways we talk - some folks are quiet, some loud, others mix it up or stand firm - helps us get along better. Keep reading; you might find something that clicks.

The four styles: passive, aggressive, passive-aggressive, and assertive

People use different ways to talk and act with others. Some are passive, not standing up for themselves. They let others decide things for them. This can make them feel sad or ignored.

Aggressive folks push their own needs hard, often ignoring what others feel or want. Their strong approach can upset people around them.

Others mix these ways into passive-aggressive behaviour. They may seem nice but act in a way that doesn't match their words, causing confusion and hurt feelings without being open about it.

Then, there are assertive people who speak up clearly about what they need or think but also listen to others. They find a middle ground where everyone else's attempt and voice gets heard without stepping on anyone else’s toes.

Recognising and adapting to others' styles

Understanding different ways people behave is key. Everyone has their own style - some are quiet, others loud. Knowing this helps us get along better. We watch how someone acts and then adjust our approach to match them.

It's like playing a game where you need to change your strategy depending on the other player. This means if someone is very direct, you might be straightforward too. Or if they're more laid back, you relax a bit more in how you talk and act with them.

It's all about making communication smoother for everyone involved.

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Learn how to be soft on the person yet tough on the issue

Quick Tips for Being More Assertive using Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence helps you speak up and share what you need clearly. Feel excited to learn more!

Speaking up for oneself and expressing needs

Speaking up for oneself and expressing needs is all about making sure people know what you want. It's a skill that helps everyone understand your boundaries and preferences. You tell others how they can treat you, and what you're okay with.

This isn't about being pushy or loud - it's simply stating your case clearly. You might say "I need some time alone" to let friends or family know when you're feeling overwhelmed.

Setting effective boundaries is a part of this process too. It means sometimes saying no when something doesn't fit into your life or goes against your values. Doing so shows respect for yourself and teaches others to value your time and feelings as well.

This action proves self-respect isn’t selfish; it’s necessary for healthy relationships—both personal and professional ones, Helping everyone get along better by knowing where they stand.

Setting effective boundaries and saying no

No is a complete sentence. It doesn't require justification or explanation.

Setting effective boundaries and saying no are crucial for maintaining our own mental health and ensuring we're not overwhelmed by others' demands. It's about being clear on what we can handle and how much we're willing to do for others without harming our well-being.

This means learning to say no when something doesn't align with our values or threatens to overload us.

It also involves recognising that non-assertive behaviour often leads us into situations where we feel taken advantage of. By asserting ourselves and setting these limits, we teach people how to treat us, thus fostering relationships built on respect rather than obligation or guilt.

Saying no isn't selfish; it's essential for self-care and developing self confidence and a positive, assertive personal style.

Non assertive people

Non assertive people often struggle to speak up for themselves. They find it hard to say no or express their needs clearly. This might come from not wanting to upset others or fearing rejection.

These individuals tend to put other people's desires before their own. Their behaviour shows they lack confidence and find it challenging to set boundaries.

Such folks might have grown up with insecure ambitious parents, which affected how they see themselves. They might also believe that being quiet is safer than risking an argument. Sadly, this can lead them to be overlooked or taken advantage of in both personal and work situations.

It's crucial for them to learn that speaking up is not a sign of weakness but a step towards gaining respect and understanding from those around them.

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People used to be scared of him - no longer

The Impact of Childhood Experiences on Assertiveness

Early childhood experiences shape how bold or shy we become. If dealt with tough challenges as kids, we might grow up to speak our minds more freely.

How early interactions can shape one's sense of self and assertiveness

From a very young age, children pick up cues about how to act from the people around them. These early childhood experiences play a big part in shaping whether someone becomes naturally an assertive person or not.

If kids feel heard and valued at home, they're more likely to grow up believing their opinions matter. This strong foundation leads to building self-confidence.

Your sense of self is influenced greatly by how you were treated as a child.

Kids facing constant criticism or being ignored learn early on that their thoughts aren't important. This can lead them to become adults who struggle with speaking up for themselves.

Overcoming these barriers means recognising those negative feelings from the past and working actively to create new, positive patterns of thinking about oneself.

Overcoming childhood barriers to assertiveness

Growing up, some of us faced challenges that made it hard to be assertive. Maybe we were shy or had adults around who didn't encourage speaking up. To move past these barriers, it's key to start small.

Practice saying what you need in low-stress situations. This builds your muscle for bigger moments.

Know this - your voice matters. If old fears from childhood hold you back, tackling them head-on helps a lot. Understand why you feel scared to speak up and remind yourself: being heard is not weakness but strength.

With each step, confidence grows, pushing those childhood shadows away and letting your true self shine through.

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Now he listens before jumping to conclusions

Dealing with Dominant and Aggressive Personalities

Handling tough people needs smart tactics. Learn to stay calm and use strong words to keep control.

Tips for handling difficult people

Dealing with dominant and aggressive personalities calls for understanding their motives natural behaviour. Often, these individuals act out of ego and selfish drives. To manage such people effectively, focus on your own assertiveness and self-confidence.

Stand firm in your beliefs while staying calm. Use clear, assertive communication to express your thoughts without aggression.

Another key strategy is setting boundaries. Say no when necessary and stick to it. This shows you respect yourself and won't be pushed around by overly dominant characters or bullies.

Also, try to see things from the other person's perspective, which can help defuse tensions. By staying composed and using positive body language, you'll display confidence that can make even the most excessively dominant people rethink their approach without getting into a power struggle.

Understanding the root causes of their behaviour

Some people act tough or mean because they faced bullies in their past. They might have decided that being more dominant is the best way to avoid getting hurt again. These actions can come from not wanting others to see them as weak.

This kind of behaviour could also start if someone always felt they had to fight to be heard in their family. Growing up, they might not have felt valued or listened to, making them think they need to act aggressively.

Others might show aggressive behaviours because it’s what they saw at home or among friends. If a child sees parents solving problems by yelling, they may learn that shouting is how you get your own way.

People often copy the behaviour around them without thinking if it's right or wrong. For some, aggressive reactions are just what they know; it's their go-to when facing a tough situation.

By understanding these patterns, we can better handle tough moments with empathy and patience.

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How aware are you of your effect on others?

Body Language and Assertive Behaviour

Your body talks as much as your words. Strong posture and eye contact show confidence and assertiveness, inviting respect without a word spoken.

The role of body language in communication

Body language plays a big part in how we talk to others. It can show confidence and assertiveness without words. Things like eye contact, posture, and hand gestures make a strong message.

They tell other people's arguments if we feel sure of ourselves or not. Good body language helps in presenting well-prepared facts.

Using positive body signals makes us seem more approachable. A smile or nod can break down walls between people. This is key for anyone looking to have control in conversations or meetings.

It's about finding the most suitable way to display confidence while respecting other people's space.

Techniques for displaying confidence and assertiveness

Standing tall and making eye contact can show confidence. Speaking in a clear, strong voice helps too. These signs tell others you believe in yourself. They also make it easier for people to listen to you.

Asking directly for what you need is part of being assertive. It's okay to say no if something doesn't feel right. This shows you respect your own needs and feelings. Plus, it sets healthy boundaries with others, letting them know where you stand.

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Confidence And Assertiveness Training - Conclusions

Getting the balance right between self-confidence and assertiveness training takes practice. Keep working on it for even better results in how you communicate with others.

The importance of finding balance between self-confidence and assertiveness

Finding the right balance between self-confidence and assertiveness training is key. Too much confidence might make a person seem arrogant. On the other hand, being too assertive may come off as aggressive to others.

It's all about striking a perfect balance. This ensures you respect yourself while also valuing other people's behaviour.

Everyone needs this balance for healthier relationships and better communication. It helps avoid misunderstandings and conflicts, making sure everyone feels heard and respected. So, it’s crucial for personal and professional development to master both self-confidence and assertiveness in just the right amounts.

Encouragement to practice and continue developing these skills.

Keeping at it is key. Practice makes perfect, as the saying goes. Making a habit of facing scary friends shouting or dealing with a more dominant character helps grow your assertiveness and self-confidence.

Every time you stand up for yourself, it's like adding a brick to your brick wall of confidence.

Learning these skills never stops. Each day offers new challenges and chances to get better. So, keep pushing your limits and trying new ways to be bold and speak up. Your efforts will surely pay off, giving you more control in life.

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He's now far more aware of his impact on others

Confidence And Assertiveness - FAQs

1. What does being assertive mean?

Being non assertive person is about standing up for yourself in a respectful way. It's finding the most appropriate behaviour to express your needs and opinions without upsetting others or letting them push you around.

2. How can I become more confident?

To boost your confidence, start by acknowledging your own worth and abilities. Practicing self-talk that focuses on positive writings about yourself is a proven successful technique. Also, facing fears gradually helps build resilience.

3. Why do some people find it hard to be assertive?

Some folks struggle with assertiveness because they fear aggressive reactions from others or worry about being disliked. They might have grown up seeing non-assertive behaviour as natural, making it their most typical personality response pattern too.

4. Can learning to be more assertive help me deal with bullies?

Yes, indeed! Bullies tend to dislike encountering well-prepared facts and proper justification – essentially, a well-organised defence against their tactics. Assertiveness shows you won't easily back down or accept unfair treatment.

5. What's the difference between being aggressive and being assertive?

While aggressiveness involves forcing your views on others often disrespectfully, assertiveness means expressing your true feelings and defending your rights in a balanced way - without stepping on someone else’s toes.

6. Are there any simple exercises to help me practice assertiveness?

Sure thing! Try starting small: establish protective mechanisms like setting personal boundaries or saying no when something doesn’t suit you., This helps manage interactions with aggressive people better over time., Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep at it!

7. How can I improve my confidence and assertiveness in a management style that is naturally assertive and properly values monetary wealth?

A true starting point is understanding your own responses to situations where you might feel generally concerned or less self-confident. Practice displaying positive writings and proper values in your daily interactions, especially when facing bullies or a scary friend shouting. This helps in creating bullies' dislike towards your own new reactions and ensures your behaviours prior align with being naturally assertive. Achieve status by adopting a management style that fails completely to tolerate aggressive behaviours, maintaining a perfectly suitable level of assertiveness that deserves sympathy and is respected on such short notice.

People can't help arguing when they feel misunderstood

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