Training In How To Improve Customer Satisfaction

Expert Training Tips & Techniques


Master Empathy

Feel connected and understood; master empathy for deep customer relationships and satisfaction.

Gain Confidence

Boost your confidence by learning skills that ensure effective communication under any circumstance.

Service Excellence

Experience pride and fulfillment by exceeding customer expectations and creating memorable experiences.

Refine your communication skills by learning to harness your emotional intelligence with one of the UK's most acclaimed management training courses.

Why Choose This Training?

More Than Just A Course Of Lectures

What gets in the way of developing and holding on to new communication skills are old habits of thinking and speaking. Even if the advice is very good the reason why it rarely sticks are the mental habits people inevitably revert to, especially under pressure.

Unlearning those old habits and internalising a more effective and lasting approach to communication needs more than a short course of lectures on how to do it.

What Makes This Training Stand Out?

What makes this training stand out is the exceptional support through one-to-one coaching sessions and continuous feedback. Changing behaviour is not an easy task as old habits are hard to break.

With a 40-year track record we can help you cultivate practical skills, and build your confidence to so you can successfully navigate real-world challenges, ensuring lasting behavioural improvements.


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"What I love about this course is that I didn't just learn about the topic, this course is about ME.  I'm confident I can reliably use my new skills, even when under pressure".

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A Project Manager At A Tech Company

"A lesson for life! The power of effective communication is incredible when one masters the skills "listening with empathy" and "speaking assertively"

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A Project Quality Engineer

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Course Summary

Training Objectives

Many businesses face the challenge of keeping their customers happy. One key fact is this: satisfied customers often become loyal advocates for your brand. This training course will guide you through practical training strategies to boost customer satisfaction.

  • Businesses can make customers happy by understanding their needs and exceeding expectations. This involves asking for feedback, setting clear service standards, and adding personal touches to service.
  • Training in customer service is crucial for building loyalty and giving a business a competitive edge. Skills like active listening, empathy, conflict resolution, product knowledge, and advocating for the customer are important.
  • Sharing examples of great customer service inspires teams to do better. Implementing peer-to-peer training and practising real-life scenarios help staff learn from each other and prepare for various situations.

Develop Your Emotional Intelligence

You will learn a set of powerful emotional intelligence communication techniques so that you can manage difficult conversations, handle challenging situations, build relationships and set firm boundaries.

Transferable Skills

The goal of this training is to equip you with the tools you need to build strong, lasting relationships in your professional life, although because these skills are so transferable many clients report vast improvements in their personal relationships as well.

Develop Skills

This is a skills development rather than just a theoretical programme, so the emphasis throughout will be on you taking turn after turn, practising your skills, while receiving feedback and coaching about your effect on others.

Repeated Practice and Feedback

In your coaching sessions you will be helped to practise dealing with the kinds of situation you find challenging, again and again, until you are confident you can do it successfully.

Video Analysis

We'll combine practical, hands-on experience with video replay and analysis and discussion of the principles involved to help you gain both skills and understanding. Special attention is paid to your individual training needs, so you can practise your skills in real-life situations that you have to handle at work.

Sustained Change

That's why as well as your place in a small group, this training includes a generous amount of private and confidential one-to-one coaching sessions online, spread over several months, ensuring an exceptional level of support. This will ensure the changes you make are sustained over a longer period of time and any obstacles are overcome. Choose between online training available worldwide, or in-person face-to-face courses in the UK.

Course Dates and Price

For a list of upcoming course dates (for online coaching and face-to-face training), the locations of the next 3-day public courses in the UK and pricing Click here.

Free Initial Session

This initial coaching session serves as an introduction to the "Skills with People" course, allowing you to understand the course's relevance and effectiveness for your specific needs before committing to it. 

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Learn how to tune in to others and enable them to tune in to you

Understanding Customer Needs

Getting to know what customers want and need is the first step. You learn how to make them happy and keep them coming back.

Seeking and promoting feedback

Asking customers what they think shows you care about their opinions. It gives them a chance to say if something's good or bad. This way, the customer service team finds out directly from clients how to make services better.

You can ask for feedback in emails, on calls, or through your website.

Sharing this feedback across the team helps everyone learn. It turns good ideas into actions that improve customer satisfaction. Plus, it makes customers feel heard and valued - key steps in building loyalty and trust with them.

Setting clear service standards

Setting clear service standards starts with knowing what your customers expect. You then make rules that match these expectations. This helps everyone in the team understand how to give great customer service.

It's like drawing a map for them. The standards should cover all parts of dealing with customers, from answering their questions to solving their problems.

These rules also make it easy to check if the team is doing a good job. They help see where things can get better. Keeping these standards up-to-date is key, as what customers want might change over time.

This way, your service always stays top-notch, making customers happy and loyal to your brand.

Exceeding customer expectations

To exceed customer expectations, you need to deliver service that surprises them in a good way. This means finding out what they hope for and then adding more. For example, if a customer buys a product, follow up with tips on how to use it best.

Or, surprise them with quicker delivery than expected.

A great strategy is personalising their experience. Say a customer mentions they're buying a gift for someone's birthday; including a free gift wrap could make their day special. Always aim to give customers something they didn't think to ask for - making them feel valued boosts loyalty and turns them into happy brand advocates.

Capturing and sharing examples of great service

Capturing and sharing examples of great service is a smart move. It shows everyone what awesome customer care looks like. Teams can learn from these stories. They see how to make customers happy and keep them coming back.

Good service tales inspire others to do better too.

Sharing these stories around the workplace keeps morale high. Everyone likes hearing about times they made someone’s day better. These moments get celebrated, making the team feel proud and valued.

This positive vibe encourages even more excellent customer service efforts across the board.

Creating effortless customer service

Making customer service easy is key. Keep it simple for customers to get in touch, ask questions, and solve their problems. This might mean having a clear website or quick chat options.

Happy customers often come from smooth experiences where they find what they need fast.

Training your team helps too. They learn the best ways to listen, respond, and fix issues quickly. With the right skills, they can make every customer feel important and looked after.

This leads to loyal customers who love your brand and talk about it positively.

Personalising customer service

Personalising customer service turns regular service into something special. It shows you understand and care about your customers' needs. You can do this by remembering their names, preferences, and past purchases.

This makes them feel valued and builds loyalty. Teams should also use the information from the customer's journey to give suggestions that fit what they like or need.

Using data smartly is key here. Spot trends in what customers enjoy or ask for often. Then, tailor your services or products to meet these likes more closely. This doesn't just make current customers happy; it pulls in new ones too.

They see how much you value making experiences personal and want that for themselves.

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Now by involving people he takes them with him

Why Customer Service Training is Important

Training in how to improve customer satisfaction boosts happiness and loyalty. It gives your business a leg up on the competition, making sure customers stick around.

Creates happy customers who become brand advocates

Good customer service turns buyers into brand fans. These happy customers talk about their great experiences with friends and on social media. This word-of-mouth is powerful. It brings in new customers without costing the company extra money.

Training staff to deliver exceptional customer service makes this possible. They learn how to understand and meet customer needs quickly and kindly. This kind of service makes customers feel valued and more likely to recommend the brand to others, boosting customer loyalty and business growth.

Gives a competitive advantage

Training in customer service sets a business apart from its competitors. It's simple - if your team knows how to delight customers, those happy customers talk about it. They share their good experiences on social media and with friends.

This buzz draws new customers in. Plus, when you're the best at solving problems and making customers feel valued, people prefer buying from you over others.

Being top-notch in customer care means your rivals have to work harder to catch up. Your brand reputation shines, securing not just repeat customers but loyal fans. These are folks who choose you every time because they trust your commitment to their satisfaction.

So, investing in this training isn't just about being better today; it's about leading the pack tomorrow.

Increases retention by Investing in Customer Service Training

Investing in customer service training helps keep customers coming back. Happy customers often tell others about their good experiences. This word-of-mouth can bring more people to your business.

Training gives team members the skills they need to make customers happy. These skills include listening, solving problems, and knowing the products well.

Training also spots areas that could be better in your service. It shows how important each customer is to the business. Making sure complaints get solved quickly can turn an unhappy customer into a loyal one.

Teams learn from feedback and improve how they help customers. This means fewer people leave and more stay loyal to your brand.

Identifying and analysing concerns and complaints

Listening to what customers say is key. This process involves spotting issues and understanding them deeply. You need to keep your eyes open for patterns in customer complaints. These could point out bigger problems with products or services.

Also, asking directly for feedback can shed light on areas that need improvement.

Analysing complaints requires smart thinking and quick actions. It's about seeing the complaint not as a problem, but as a chance to do better. Businesses use customer service data to find out why customers are unhappy.

Then, they work hard to fix these issues fast, turning unhappy customers into happy ones who love the brand again.

Making it easy for customers to voice their concerns

Making it easy for customers to voice their concerns is key. Businesses should use multiple channels like messages, emails, and calls. This lets customers pick what they like best.

Also, feedback forms on websites help lots. It's good for collecting thoughts from people who don't want to talk directly.

Quick replies matter too. When customers share problems, a fast answer shows you care. Training support reps in effective communication ensures they handle issues well right away. Plus, using positive language makes customers feel heard and valued.

So, keeping things simple and responding quickly can make a big difference in customer satisfaction.

Utilising complaint handling reviews

Complaint handling reviews play a key role in improving customer service. By looking at what customers are unhappy about, businesses can learn a lot. They find out where they need to get better and how they can make their customers happier.

It's about turning negative feedback into action plans. This way, firms ensure that the same mistake doesn't happen twice.

Training teams to handle complaints well is crucial. Workers learn to listen carefully and solve problems quickly. This makes customers feel heard and valued. Happy customers often share their good experiences with others, helping the business grow its reputation for great service.

Understanding competitors' customer service

Looking at what other companies do to keep their customers happy is smart. It shows us new ways to make our own customer service better. We learn from both their wins and mistakes.

Seeing how they deal with feedback or complaints can inspire us to improve. This could mean making our help team easier to reach, or maybe changing how we handle tough situations.

We also see what makes customers pick them over us. Is it faster service? Better answers on social media? Knowing this helps us step up our game. We aim to meet – no, beat – these standards.

So, keeping an eye on the competition isn't about copying them. It's about learning and getting ahead in creating a great experience for every customer who reaches out to us.

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Learn to get taken more seriously

Key Skills to Cover in Training Using Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence lights the way for better customer service. Training must focus on growing this skill to understand and connect with customers deeply.

Soft skills (active listening, empathy, conflict resolution)

Training in soft skills like active listening, empathy, and conflict resolution is key. These skills help your team really understand customer issues. They can then show they care and find good solutions.

Active listening means paying full attention to the customer, not just waiting for your turn to talk. This shows respect and helps solve problems faster.

Empathy lets you see things from the customer's view. It builds trust and makes customers feel valued. Conflict resolution involves finding a peaceful way to settle disagreements. It's about being fair and keeping everyone calm.

Together, these skills make sure customers have great experiences every time they reach out for help.

Hard skills (product and process knowledge, customer advocacy)

Knowing all about the products and how things work is key. This means staff can answer questions fast and well. They understand the customer journey and can guide people through it, making sure the customer gets what they need every time.

This skill is big for keeping customers happy and making them want to come back.

Customer advocacy is another must-have skill. It's all about standing up for customers' needs within the company. If something's not working or could be better, these folks speak up.

They're always on the lookout to improve things for customers, helping make sure everyone walks away feeling great about their experience.

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Stand up for your ideas and also respect theirs

Promoting and Utilising Customer Feedback

Listening to what customers say helps make services better. It's important to ask them how they feel and what they need. This can be done through surveys, online forms, or just talking to them.

Then, taking this feedback seriously means making changes that show you value their opinions. Successful companies use customer feedback to fix problems and improve the customer experience.

Sharing stories of positive changes inspired by customer feedback is also key. It makes other customers see that their voices matter too. Plus, it shows the company cares about getting better all the time.

Teams learn from both good and bad feedback, helping everyone aim for top-notch service every day.

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Learn how to be soft on the person yet tough on the issue

Exceeding Customer Expectations

Going beyond what customers expect is a big win. It makes them more likely to stay loyal and tell others about the great service they got. This means doing more than just solving their problems.

Think about surprising them with quick responses or giving extra help without being asked. Happy customers often become fans of the brand, talking about their good experiences on social media or with friends.

Training staff to deliver customer service that shines is key. Teach them not only to meet the basic needs but also to add that special touch that makes customers feel valued and respected.

For instance, if someone reaches out with a question, answer it and then share some additional tips related to their query. This approach turns ordinary customer interactions into memorable moments, boosting overall satisfaction and keeping your business ahead in the game of retaining customers and building loyalty.

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People used to be scared of him - no longer

Showcasing Examples of Excellent Service

Sharing stories of excellent service brings those lessons to life. Think about a team member who went the extra mile to solve a customer's problem. This story could show how understanding and quick action create happy customers.

These examples can inspire others in the team. They make it clear what good service looks like.

Talk about times when staff anticipated customer needs before they even asked. Maybe someone noticed a regular customer looking for their favourite product and helped them find it or suggested an alternative because the item was out of stock.

Stories like these highlight how paying attention and being proactive are key to great customer service. They turn everyday moments into lessons that stick with everyone.

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Now he listens before jumping to conclusions

Implementing Peer-to-Peer Training

Peer-to-Peer training is a smart move. It lets staff teach each other what they know best. This approach makes learning feel more connected and real. Staff can share their own stories of handling customers.

They show how to solve problems in ways that books can't teach.

This method also builds stronger teams. As workers share skills, they grow closer. They learn from mistakes together and celebrate wins as one group. This boosts morale and keeps everyone aiming for better customer satisfaction.

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How aware are you of your effect on others?

Practising Real-Life Scenarios

Practising real-life scenarios is key to mastering customer service skills. It gives team members hands-on experience with common and unusual situations they might face. They learn how to actively listen, provide empathic responses, and solve problems effectively.

This part of training lets them try out what they've learned in a safe space. Mistakes are okay here and become valuable lessons.

Role-playing sessions are great for this. Staff can act out different roles – the customer and the support team member. They get feedback from peers on their approach, communication skills, and solutions.

This immediate feedback helps them improve quickly before interacting with actual customers. Such practice boosts confidence and prepares staff better for the real deal—ensuring happy customers stay loyal to the brand.

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Learn how to be both firm and fair

Training In How To Improve Customer Satisfaction - Conclusions

Boosting customer satisfaction sharpens your competitive edge. It's all about understanding and meeting needs - even the ones customers haven't voiced yet. Training teams in the art of great service does just that, turning satisfied customers into loyal fans who spread the word.

Every chat or call is a chance to shine; with the right skills, your team can make each one count. So, let’s keep aiming high – your customers will thank you for it.

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Assertiveness, Listening Skills and Emotional Intelligence Training

Training In How To Improve Customer Satisfaction - FAQs

1. Why is customer satisfaction important?

Well, happy customers stick around longer and tell others about their great experiences. It's a big deal for keeping your customer base solid and seeing more folks come through the door.

2. How can training help improve customer service?

Training gives your team the know-how on handling customer concerns with care... and yes, that includes dealing with the tough ones too. They'll learn to keep cool, solve problems, and make sure customers feel heard.

3. What skills should a customer service training program cover?

Think empathy, product knowledge, how to chat over messaging apps or channels... basically anything that helps understand what the customer needs and how best to deliver it.

4. Can better customer service really boost my business?

Absolutely! When customers are happy, they're more likely to come back – turning them into loyal fans of your brand online...and offline too! Plus, they'll spread the word.

5. Is there a way to measure if our efforts in improving customer satisfaction are working?

Sure thing! Look out for returning customers, read through feedback carefully – both good and bad – and watch how many new faces show up thanks to recommendations from existing ones.

6. What happens if we ignore focusing on enhancing overall customer experience?

Ouch – let's not go there! Ignoring it means risking losing folks to competitors who do pay attention... leading potentially to a dip in revenue and brand loyalty taking a hit.

Q: How can we enhance customer retention and ensure our existing customers remain loyal?

A: Improving customer service experience through dedicated training, including empathy training and developing new skills, directly impacts overall customer satisfaction, encouraging customers to remain loyal. For business leaders, prioritizing customer engagement, especially for existing customers, through personalized interactions on preferred messaging channels can transform customer inquiries into positive experiences. Training materials should emphasize walking in the customer's shoes, fostering a deep understanding of their needs and preferences. Significant investments in training programs that teach staff to proactively address difficult customers and efficiently manage self-service options can lead to happier customers. Additionally, adopting flexible hours and identifying trends in customer feedback ensures that every customer's experience is valued, leading to business success as loyal customers become brand advocates.

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She now feels more confident in tackling people

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