Anger Management At Work

The Key to a Calmer, Happier (and More Productive) You! - A Better Leader


Master Your Emotions

Master your emotional responses, transforming workplace frustration into calm, assured interactions.

Develop Your Skills

Build crucial communication skills, fostering confidence and respect in professional interactions.

Continuous Growth

Access ongoing support and coaching to ensure sustained personal and professional growth.

Refine your communication skills by learning to harness your emotional intelligence with one of the UK's most acclaimed management training courses.

Why Choose This Training?

More Than Just A Course Of Lectures

What gets in the way of developing and holding on to new communication skills are old habits of thinking and speaking. Even if the advice is very good the reason why it rarely sticks are the mental habits people inevitably revert to, especially under pressure.

Unlearning those old habits and internalising a more effective and lasting approach to communication needs more than a short course of lectures on how to do it.

What Makes This Training Stand Out?

What makes this training stand out is the exceptional support through one-to-one coaching sessions and continuous feedback. Changing behaviour is not an easy task as old habits are hard to break.

With a 40-year track record we can help you cultivate practical skills, and build your confidence to so you can successfully navigate real-world challenges, ensuring lasting behavioural improvements.


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"A lesson for life! The power of effective communication is incredible when one masters the skills "listening with empathy" and "speaking assertively"

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Course Summary

Training Objectives

Feeling angry at work is more common than you might think. Did you know workers report feeling anger in the workplace each week? This training course guides you on managing that anger, making your work life smoother.

You'll learn tricks to keep cool and build a happier office environment for everyone.

  • Feeling angry at work happens often, but managing it is important to keep a happy and smooth workplace.
  • Understanding why we get angry and knowing what triggers our anger can help us deal with it better.
  • Talking things out, staying calm, and using techniques like deep breathing or taking short breaks are good ways to handle anger.
  • Learning how to express ourselves clearly without hurting others makes the workplace nicer for everyone.
  • If usual ways to manage anger don't work, seeking help from a professional might be needed.

Develop Your Emotional Intelligence

You will learn a set of powerful emotional intelligence communication techniques so that you can manage difficult conversations, handle challenging situations, build relationships and set firm boundaries.

Transferable Skills

The goal of this training is to equip you with the tools you need to build strong, lasting relationships in your professional life, although because these skills are so transferable many clients report vast improvements in their personal relationships as well.

Develop Skills

This is a skills development rather than just a theoretical programme, so the emphasis throughout will be on you taking turn after turn, practising your skills, while receiving feedback and coaching about your effect on others.

Repeated Practice and Feedback

In your coaching sessions you will be helped to practise dealing with the kinds of situation you find challenging, again and again, until you are confident you can do it successfully.

Video Analysis

We'll combine practical, hands-on experience with video replay and analysis and discussion of the principles involved to help you gain both skills and understanding. Special attention is paid to your individual training needs, so you can practise your skills in real-life situations that you have to handle at work.

Sustained Change

That's why as well as your place in a small group, this training includes a generous amount of private and confidential one-to-one coaching sessions online, spread over several months, ensuring an exceptional level of support. This will ensure the changes you make are sustained over a longer period of time and any obstacles are overcome. Choose between online training available worldwide, or in-person face-to-face courses in the UK.

Course Dates and Price

For a list of upcoming course dates (for online coaching and face-to-face training), the locations of the next 3-day public courses in the UK and pricing Click here.

Free Initial Session

This initial coaching session serves as an introduction to the "Skills with People" course, allowing you to understand the course's relevance and effectiveness for your specific needs before committing to it.

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Learn how to tune in to others and enable them to tune in to you

Understanding Anger

Understanding anger is key at work. It's all about knowing why we feel angry and how it affects us and others around us.

Definition of anger

Anger is a strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility. This emotion can spark from both external and internal events to specific person. You might feel angry when someone cuts you off in traffic or when you think about problems at work.

It's a natural adaptive response to threats and can cause us to defend ourselves if needed.

Managing anger is key, especially in the workplace. Letting anger control you can lead to trouble - like saying things we regret or even losing our jobs. So, it's important to handle this powerful emotion with care and understanding.

Possible causes that trigger angry feelings in the workplace

Lots of things can make people angry at work. Sometimes, it's about feeling too much pressure or having too much to do. This stress can come from tight deadlines or trying to do tasks that don't fit well with someone’s skills.

Feeling unappreciated or overlooked for promotions also stirs up anger. People might feel their hard work goes unnoticed while others get all the credit.

Conflicts with co-workers or bosses are big reasons, too. These fights could be over different views on how things should be done. Or, maybe it's unfair treatment from a boss that triggers angry feelings in someone.

Changes in the workplace - like new rules or shifts in job roles - can also lead to frustration and anger because they upset the normal way of doing things for many employees.

Effects of unmanaged anger

Unmanaged anger in the workplace can lead to lots of problems. It might cause tension among colleagues, making it hard for everyone to work together. A calm office can turn into a place where people are afraid to speak up or share ideas.

This fear comes from not wanting to be the next person or next target of someone's outburst.

Anger that is not looked after well might result in mistakes and lower quality work. People spend too much energy being upset instead of focusing on their tasks. This means deadlines get missed, and clients become unhappy.

Plus, it's bad for one's health; stress levels go up, along with blood pressure.

Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.

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Now by involving people he takes them with him

The Importance of Anger Management at Work

Managing the workplace managing anger while at work is key to keeping a happy and smooth workplace. It helps everyone get along better and do their jobs well, without stress getting in the way.

Promotes a positive work environment

A positive work environment is key for everyone to do their best. Anger management plays a big role in making the workplace more friendly and less stressful. It helps people feel safe to share ideas and talk about problems without fear of angry outbursts.

This can lead to better teamwork and more creative solutions.

Keeping anger in the workplace in check means fewer disagreements turn into big issues. Everyone stays focused on their goals instead of getting caught up in negative emotions. This makes the office a place where people want to be, boosting happiness and lowering stress across the board.

Improves communication and relationships

Managing anger at work helps everyone speak openly and honestly. It breaks down barriers, making it easier for teams to share ideas and concerns without fear. People learn to listen, really hear what others are saying, and respond kindly.

Effective communication is the bridge between confusion and clarity.

This way of dealing with anger leads to stronger bonds among colleagues. They trust each other more and can work together smoothly. Relationships grow when people feel respected and part of a supportive team.

Increases productivity and efficiency

Managing anger at work leads to more work done in less time. People focus better without angry feelings around. They solve problems quicker and make fewer mistakes. Happy teams work faster and smarter.

Clear minds come up with creative ideas easily. Sharing thoughts feels safe, so everyone contributes their best. This teamwork speeds up projects and improves results across the board.

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Learn to get taken more seriously

Identifying Triggers and Coping Mechanisms

Spotting what sets off your anger and finding smart ways to deal with it can make a big difference at work. Keep reading to discover how.

Common triggers in the workplace

Anger at work can come from many places. It's key to know what sets it off so we can handle it better. Here are some usual triggers:

  1. Unfair treatment - This happens when people feel they're not treated as well as others. Maybe they got passed over for a promotion or someone else got credit for their hard work.
  2. Too much pressure - Deadlines and big workloads can stress anyone out. Feeling like there's too much to do and not enough time makes people snap.
  3. Being left out - Not being included in meetings or team emails can hurt. It makes folks feel like they're not important.
  4. Poor communication - This one's big. When bosses or coworkers aren't clear about what they want, it leads to frustration and anger.
  5. Lack of control - When workers have no say over their tasks or schedules, they get angry. Everyone likes to have some control over their day.
  6. Personal problems spilling over - Sometimes issues from home follow us to work. This could be a family fight or trouble with friends.
  7. Change without warning - People like to know what's coming up. Sudden changes make them feel uneasy and angry.
  8. Rude behaviour - Mean comments, ignoring someone, or talking behind their back — all these lead to anger because nobody likes being treated badly.
  9. Feeling undervalued - If people don't think their hard work is seen or appreciated, they often get upset.
  10. Conflict with colleagues - Disagreements happen everywhere, but when they're not resolved, they can cause lasting anger.

Understanding these triggers helps everyone make the workplace nicer for all of us.

Recognising and managing responses to triggers

Identifying what sets off your anger at work is the first step. Next, you need to learn how to deal with these triggers. Here's a helpful list:

  1. Spot the warning signs early - Pay attention to your body. Maybe your heart beats faster or you start to feel hot. This means you need to act fast.
  2. Take a deep breath - It sounds simple, but it works wonders. Breathing slowly helps calm your mind and body.
  3. Step away from the situation - If things get too heated, walk away for a bit. A short break can give you time to think.
  4. Reflect on the cause - Think about why you're angry. Is it really the issue at hand, or is something else bothering you?
  5. Use "I" statements when talking - Instead of blaming others with "you" statements, say how you feel and what bothers you by starting sentences with "I."
  6. Look for solutions - Instead of focusing on the problem, try to find a way out of it.
  7. Ask for feedback from trusted colleagues - Sometimes others see things in us we don't see ourselves. Their insights can be very helpful.
  8. Practice relaxation techniques regularly - Whether it's yoga, meditation or just listening to music, find what helps you stay calm.
  9. Set boundaries firmly but kindly - Let people know what is okay and what isn't in a respectful way.
  10. Set realistic goals for managing your anger - Understand that change takes time and celebrate small victories along the way.

Each of these steps requires practice and patience but can lead to significant improvements in how you handle anger triggers at work.

Healthy coping mechanisms

Dealing with anger at work needs a smart approach. You can't just physically lash out or bottle it up. Here are some healthy ways to manage those feelings:

  1. Take deep breaths: This might seem a bit simple, but it works wonders. Deep breathing calms your mind and body, helping you think more clearly.
  2. Step away for a moment: If you feel your temper rising, take a quick break. A short walk or even just a few moments of quiet can help you cool down.
  3. Talk it out: Find someone you trust and share your feelings. Talking can help you understand what's really bothering you and reduce the intensity of your emotions.
  4. Exercise regularly: Physical activity is great for stress relief. It doesn't have to be intense; even a daily walk helps keep emotions in check.
  5. Practice mindfulness or meditation: These practices anchor you in the present and make it easier to manage stress and anger.
  6. Keep a journal: Writing about what makes you angry helps put things into perspective. Seeing your thoughts on paper can make them easier to deal with.
  7. Set boundaries at work: Know your limits and communicate them clearly but respectfully to avoid situations that trigger anger.
  8. Learn to forgive: Holding grudges adds to stress and anger. Forgiveness lets you move past these feelings and focus on positive aspects of your work life.
  9. Use humour (appropriately): Finding humour in challenging situations can lighten the mood and diffuse tension, but be mindful not to offend others.
  10. Seek professional help if needed: Sometimes, dealing with anger requires some outside help from a therapist or counselor, especially if it's affecting your work or personal life deeply.

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Learn how to be soft on the person yet tough on the issue

Communication and Assertiveness Training

Learning how to talk things out and stand up for yourself at work can make a big difference. It's about saying what you need in a clear way, without upsetting others or letting them push you around.

Effective communication techniques using emotional intelligence

Talking with emotional intelligence at work means being aware of how we and others feel. It helps in sharing thoughts without making things worse. We learn to listen, really listen, to what coworkers say.

This way, conversations become helpful, not hurtful.

Using kind words and understanding body language can stop anger before it starts. We find ways to solve problems together by staying calm and clear. This makes everyone feel heard and valued.

So, teamwork improves because people share ideas without fear or stress.

Importance of assertiveness in managing anger

Being assertive helps a lot in managing anger at work. It means you can express your feelings and needs clearly, without being mean or passive. This keeps anger from getting worse.

For example, if someone does something that makes you feel angry, telling them directly but kindly can solve the problem faster. You avoid grudges this way.

Assertiveness also stops misunderstandings. At times, people don't know they're causing trouble. By speaking up, you help them see what's wrong and how to fix it. This builds better teamwork and keeps everyone happy at work.

Role-playing exercises for assertiveness training

Role-playing exercises are great for learning how to express anger positively at work. They help you practice real-life situations without the stress.

  1. Setting Up Scenarios - Think about common issues that trigger angry feelings in the workplace. Create scenarios that mirror these tense situations. This step makes sure everyone knows what they're working on.
  2. Choosing Roles - Each person picks a role to play. One might be the employee showing anger, while another could be a colleague or manager on the receiving end. Swapping roles helps everyone see different perspectives.
  3. Practise Conversations - Start the role-play with participants acting out their parts based on the scenario. Encourage them to use "I" statements, like "I feel frustrated when..." It's about expressing feelings without blaming others.
  4. Feedback Time - After acting out the scenario, everyone shares their thoughts on how it went. They discuss what was good and what could be better next time. This feedback is key to learning.
  5. Reflect on Emotions - Participants think about how they felt during the exercise, especially if they were playing someone expressing anger. Understanding emotions helps manage them better in real work situations.
  6. Work On Assertive Responses - Focus on crafting responses that are clear and direct but not aggressive. The aim is for everyone to get comfortable saying what they need without escalating tensions.
  7. Use Emotional Intelligence - Role-plays can also highlight the importance of being aware of others' feelings and responding sensitively, which is part of emotional intelligence at work.
  8. Problem Solving Together - Lastly, tackle problem-solving as a team within your role-play scenarios It's all about finding fair solutions together instead of letting anger take control.

These steps show how role-playing can build skills in managing angry responses and promoting positive interactions in any work environment.

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Learn how to be both firm and fair

Handling Challenging Situations and Individuals

Dealing with tough spots and tricky people at work? It's all about keeping cool and setting clear lines.

Professionalism in Difficult Circumstances

Staying professional in tough times is key at work. It means keeping cool, even when things get hot. You handle anger without losing your temper. This shows you can face hard situations without falling apart.

It's all about setting boundaries too. Say someone keeps pushing your buttons on purpose. You stay calm and explain how their actions make you feel, firmly but kindly. This approach keeps respect alive and teaches others how to treat you right.

Boundary Setting in the Workplace

Setting boundaries at work keeps everyone happy and safe. It means telling others what's okay and what's not. This can stop problems before they start. For example, saying no to extra work when you're already busy helps manage your workload and stress.

Good fences make good neighbors.

Having clear rules helps teams work better together. It makes sure people treat each other well and respect personal space. When everyone knows the limits, there's less conflict and more peace in the workplace.

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People used to be scared of him - no longer

When To Seek Support and Professional Help

Sometimes, talking to colleagues or bosses about anger issues isn't enough. At that point, finding a professional who can help might be the best step forward.

The importance of seeking support from colleagues and superiors

Asking for help from workmates and bosses is crucial. It shows you're ready to tackle anger issues head-on. Your colleagues might have faced similar feelings and can share ways to cope.

They offer emotional support too, making you feel less alone.

Bosses play a key role here as well. They can suggest professional resources like therapy or training sessions. These steps lead to a calmer workplace where everyone gets along better.

So, speaking up about what's bothering you at work is smart. It opens doors to solving problems together, strengthening the team bond.

Identifying when professional help may be necessary

Sometimes, managing anger needs more than just strategies and tips. Feeling overwhelmed, facing constant workplace conflicts, or noticing that anger is affecting your job might mean it's time for professional help.

This step can offer new ways to handle emotions and improve mental health.

Seeking professional help is a sign of strength, not weakness.

Therapy and training can give you tools to manage intense fury and develop better coping mechanisms. It helps when usual control methods don't reduce the anger or if aggressive responses become more frequent.

This support changes how we respond aggressively react to stressful events in a positive way.

Therapy and training options for managing anger

Managing anger isn't just good for you; it's great for everyone at work. Finding the right help makes a big difference.

Therapy options:

  1. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) changes how you think and act in angry moments. It helps you see situations differently, reducing anger.
  2. Counselling dives into deeper issues behind your anger, like stress or past experiences. This personal chat can untangle complex feelings.
  3. Group therapy offers a shared space to learn from others facing similar struggles. Hearing other perspectives can open up new ways to handle your feelings.

Training options:

  1. Anger management courses teach skills to control your temper before it controls you. They cover recognising triggers and responding calmly.
  2. Emotional intelligence training boosts your ability to understand and manage emotions - yours and others'. It improves communication and eases tensions at work.
  3. Assertiveness training makes sure you express yourself without stepping over the line into aggression, maintaining respect for yourself and others.
  4. Stress management workshops show how to keep cool under pressure, avoiding the stress - anger link.

Each option has its place in turning down the heat on workplace anger, helping you respond rather than react aggressively.

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She now feels more confident in tackling people

Strategies for Handling Difficult Situations

To tackle tough spots at work, keep calm, think things through, and pick the best action. Check out more ways to sail smoothly through tricky times.

Empathy and Assertiveness (two sides of the same coin)

Empathy and assertiveness seem different but are closely linked, like two sides of the same coin. Empathy lets you understand other people's feelings and viewpoints. It helps in creating a peaceful work environment.

Being empathetic means you listen and respect how others feel. This makes solving problems easier because everyone feels heard.

Assertiveness is about expressing your own needs and standing up for yourself respectfully. It's not about being a passive aggressive behavior, or passive. Instead, it involves clear communication without upsetting others or letting them upset you.

Combining empathy with assertiveness allows for healthy conversations at work. You can manage difficult situations without hurting anyone's feelings or ignoring your own needs.

Problem-solving techniques

Solving problems at work can help manage anger. It turns big issues into small steps we can handle. Here's how to do it:

  1. Identify the Problem - First, find out what the real issue is. Sometimes, what makes us mad isn't the main problem. It could be something deeper.
  2. Think of Possible Solutions - Brainstorm many ideas on how to fix the issue. Don't worry about finding a perfect answer right away. Just think of different ways to tackle it.
  3. Weigh Pros and Cons - Look at your solutions list. For each one, list good and bad points. This helps you see which ideas work best.
  4. Choose a Solution - Pick one that has more pros than cons and seems doable.
  5. Make a Plan - Decide what steps you need to take to put your solution into action.
  6. Act on It - Start working on your plan step by step.
  7. Review Progress - After some time, check if things are getting better because of your solution.
  8. Adjust if Needed - If the problem isn't going away, try a different solution from your list.

This method helps you see problems as challenges you can overcome, not just things that make you angry.

Taking breaks and practising self-care

Taking short breaks during work helps manage anger and keeps you calm. Practising self-care is key to maintaining a good mood and staying productive. Here’s how you can make it work:

  1. Schedule regular breaks - Plan for short breaks throughout your day. Use this time to step away from your desk, stretch, or take a walk.
  2. Practice deep breathing - If you feel anger rising, pause for deep breathing exercises. This helps reduce stress levels instantly.
  3. Create a relaxation spot - Find a quiet place at work where you can relax for a few minutes. This could be a peaceful corner or even a nearby park.
  4. Limit caffeine intake - Too much coffee can increase anxious feelings and make it harder to control anger. Try drinking more water instead.
  5. Listen to music - Soft or uplifting music can soothe the mind and help you regain focus.
  6. Set realistic goals - Break your work into small tasks. Achieving these can reduce frustration and feelings of being overwhelmed.
  7. Eat healthily - Choose snacks that boost your mood and energy levels, like nuts, fruits, or yoghurt.
  8. Communicate needs calmly - If work gets too much, talk to someone about reducing your load or finding support.
  9. Use humour to release tension - A good laugh can break the cycle of anger in stressful situations.
  10. Spoonfuls of gratitude go far – Every day, think of three things at work you’re thankful for.

These steps encourage taking care of yourself first so that managing workplace challenges becomes easier over time without letting anger win the battle.

Setting boundaries and saying no

Setting boundaries and saying no at work is vital for your well-being and productivity. Here's how you can do it effectively.

  1. Know your limits. Understand what you can handle in terms of workload and emotional stress.
  2. Explain your reasons. When you say no, briefly tell people why, so they understand it's not personal.
  3. Offer alternatives. If you can't take on a task, suggest someone else or a different time when you might be able to help.
  4. Be firm yet polite. You can stay kind while making your point clear.
  5. Practice makes perfect. Saying no might feel hard at first, but it gets easier with time.
  6. Keep it simple. You don't need to give a long explanation—just enough so people know where you stand.
  7. Avoid feeling guilty. It's OK to put your needs first sometimes; this doesn't make you selfish.
  8. Plan ahead whenever possible to avoid last - minute requests that force you to overcommit.
  9. Use body language that shows confidence; this makes your message stronger.
  10. Stay consistent in setting boundaries to help others learn what they can expect from you.

This approach will make managing tasks more manageable and keep stress and anxiety levels in check, helping everyone at work perform better and feel happier.

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Assertiveness, Listening Skills and Emotional Intelligence Training

The Long-Term Benefits of Managing Anger at Work

Getting a grip on anger at work can lead to feeling better and working smarter. It's like planting seeds for good mental health and happy times with your team in the future.

Improved mental and physical health

Managing anger at work leads to better mental and physical health. Feelings of anger and stress can hurt your body and mind. Calming these feelings helps you feel happier and healthier.

You'll notice fewer headaches, sleep better, and have more energy during the day.

Peace is not the absence of conflict but the ability to cope with it.

Learning how to handle tough situations without getting angry means less stress for you. This good change lowers risks of heart disease and improves your overall mood. Plus, feeling calm makes it easier for you to enjoy life both in and out of work.

Increased job satisfaction

Handling anger at work in the right way makes most people happier with their jobs. They feel respected and valued. This leads to enjoying work more and staying with the company longer. Workers also get along better with each other, which makes for a friendlier place to be every day.

Feeling good about where you work boosts how much effort everyone puts in. Teams become stronger and achieve more together. Everyone wins - from employees to bosses, leading to a workplace where people look forward to coming in every morning.

Better relationships with colleagues

Managing anger well at work makes everyone get along better. People talk more openly and trust each other. This leads to a happier place where folks feel safe to share ideas or worries.

Friends at work mean fewer problems and more fun times.

Good vibes spread when we all keep cool and show respect. Teams work like magic together, solving big problems without getting upset. Everyone feels heard and valued, making the workplace a top spot to be every day.

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He's now far more aware of his impact on others

Anger Management At Work - Conclusion

Keeping anger in check at work makes a big difference. It leads to better teamwork, less stress, and more productivity. Learning how to handle tough situations calmly can transform the workplace vibe.

It's all about finding the right balance between being firm and kind. So, let’s all aim for that - for a happier, healthier work environment.

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Angry at work

Anger Management At Work - FAQs

1. What is anger management at work?

It's about learning how to handle emotional feelings and reactions, like irritation, aggression or threatening behaviour, in a professional way without responding aggressively. This helps avoid threatening behaviour or lashing out.

2. Why do people get angry at work?

Many reasons... A traffic jam might start your day off wrong, then a small issue can set you off. It seems people's behaviour, often not just one thing but a mix of personal lives and workplace stress.

3. How can I manage anger better?

Develop strategies that work for you... Maybe take deep breaths, step away from the tense situation, or think of potential solutions before responding aggressively.

4. Is it okay to show anger and negative emotions at work?

Feeling angry and mild irritation is natural and but showing it through passive aggressive behaviour or unpredictable actions isn't okay according to social norms and for example could lead to disciplinary action.

5. Can managing anger improve my work life?

Yes! Understanding how external and internal events affect your emotional state and finding ways to respond to tense situations without aggression can make a big difference in the long run - less anxiety for you and better vibes all around.

People can't help arguing when they feel misunderstood

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