How To Improve Your Emotional Intelligence Skills

Unlock your potential with more EQ


Empowerment Growth

Master emotional control and empathy to feel empowered and connect more deeply with others.

Confidence Leap

Gain confidence in personal and professional relationships through enhanced EQ skills.
Thumbs up

Resilience Building

Develop resilience to stress, boosting happiness and success in every both your work and personal life.

Refine your communication skills by learning to harness your emotional intelligence with one of the UK's most acclaimed management training courses.

Why Choose This Training?

More Than Just A Course Of Lectures

What gets in the way of developing and holding on to new communication skills are old habits of thinking and speaking. Even if the advice is very good the reason why it rarely sticks are the mental habits people inevitably revert to, especially under pressure.

Unlearning those old habits and internalising a more effective and lasting approach to communication needs more than a short course of lectures on how to do it.

What Makes This Training Stand Out?

What makes this training stand out is the exceptional support through one-to-one coaching sessions and continuous feedback. Changing behaviour is not an easy task as old habits are hard to break.

With a 40-year track record we can help you cultivate practical skills, and build your confidence to so you can successfully navigate real-world challenges, ensuring lasting behavioural improvements.


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"A lesson for life! The power of effective communication is incredible when one masters the skills "listening with empathy" and "speaking assertively"

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Course Summary

Training Objectives

Feeling stuck in understanding your own emotions? You're not alone. Studies show people with high emotional intelligence lead more successful lives. This training course will guide you through simple steps to boost your emotional IQ, making life a bit easier and happier for you.

  • Emotional intelligence, or EQ, is key for managing your own emotions and understanding others'. This can lead to better relationships and decision-making.
  • Building your EQ skills involves practicing self-awareness, empathy, motivation, self-regulation, and social skills. Tools like journaling and feedback from others can help.
  • Improving emotional intelligence benefits all parts of life by enhancing how you connect with people at work and in personal relationships. It also helps in staying calm during stress.
  • Online courses or training offer ways to learn more about emotional intelligence. These include interactive exercises and expert advice.
  • Stronger emotional intelligence leads to improved communication, making it easier to express yourself clearly and understand what others are feeling.

Develop Your Emotional Intelligence

You will learn a set of powerful emotional intelligence communication techniques so that you can manage difficult conversations, handle challenging situations, build relationships and set firm boundaries.

Transferable Skills

The goal of this training is to equip you with the tools you need to build strong, lasting relationships in your professional life, although because these skills are so transferable many clients report vast improvements in their personal relationships as well.

Develop Skills

This is a skills development rather than just a theoretical programme, so the emphasis throughout will be on you taking turn after turn, practising your skills, while receiving feedback and coaching about your effect on others.

Repeated Practice and Feedback

In your coaching sessions you will be helped to practise dealing with the kinds of situation you find challenging, again and again, until you are confident you can do it successfully.

Video Analysis

We'll combine practical, hands-on experience with video replay and analysis and discussion of the principles involved to help you gain both skills and understanding. Special attention is paid to your individual training needs, so you can practise your skills in real-life situations that you have to handle at work.

Sustained Change

That's why as well as your place in a small group, this training includes a generous amount of private and confidential one-to-one coaching sessions online, spread over several months, ensuring an exceptional level of support. This will ensure the changes you make are sustained over a longer period of time and any obstacles are overcome. Choose between online training available worldwide, or in-person face-to-face courses in the UK.

Course Dates and Price

For a list of upcoming course dates (for online coaching and face-to-face training), the locations of the next 3-day public courses in the UK and pricing Click here.

Free Initial Session

This initial coaching session serves as an introduction to the "Skills with People" course, allowing you to understand the course's relevance and effectiveness for your specific needs before committing to it.

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People who feel understood are more receptive

Understanding Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

Emotional intelligence, or EQ, is all about knowing your feelings and handling them well. It plays a big role in how we get along with others and make choices.

Definition of emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence, or EQ, is about understanding your own feelings and those of others. It's the skill to manage emotions effectively in yourself and recognise them in people around you.

Think of it as being smart with hearts - not just minds. This ability plays a big part in developing strong relationships, making good decisions, and handling stress well.

Having high emotional quotient means you're aware of your emotional state and can control how you react to situations. You notice when someone else feels sad or happy, even if they don't say it outright.

It's also about using this awareness to communicate better and avoid hurting someone’s feelings unnecessarily. In essence, improving your EQ helps create a more positive environment at work and home.

Importance of emotional intelligence

Now that we've covered what emotional intelligence is, here’s why it matters so much. Being emotionally intelligent helps you manage conflict better and understand your own emotions and those of others.

This skill leads to stronger relationships in both your personal and professional life. It plays a big role in how you communicate and make decisions every day.

Having high emotional intelligence means you can stay calm under pressure and bounce back from setbacks faster. You become more self-aware, enabling you to recognise emotions before they lead to an outburst or hurt someone's feelings.

In the workplace, this ability boosts leadership capabilities and teamwork because you're adept at reading nonverbal cues and offering constructive feedback. Overall, boosting your emotional intelligence sets a solid foundation for achieving success across various aspects of life.

Impact on various aspects of life

Emotional intelligence touches every part of your life. At work, it helps you navigate team dynamics and lead with empathy. It makes complex projects smoother and decision-making clearer.

In personal relationships, it's key for understanding others' feelings and managing conflicts well. Your friendships grow stronger because you can sense emotional cues and respond thoughtfully.

In stressful situations, a high EQ lets you stay calm and think straight. This skill is crucial in both everyday life challenges and bigger moments of crisis. With good emotional intelligence skills, you communicate effectively, understand what others need without them saying it out loud, and build fulfilling relationships easily.

Whether dealing with negative emotions or celebrating positive ones, managing your emotional energy wisely leads to happier days and healthier interactions all around.

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People can't help arguing when they feel misunderstood

Key Components of Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence isn't just one thing; it's made up of a few key parts. Each part helps us understand and manage how we feel, and how those around us feel too.


Self-awareness is knowing your feelings. It means understanding what makes you happy, sad, or angry. This skill helps you recognise emotions as they happen. You become more self-aware by paying attention to your thoughts and feelings.

Practice self-awareness every day. Notice how different things make you feel.

Becoming better at this can change your life. With practice, managing emotions becomes easier. You'll handle stress better and stay calm in tough situations. Confidence grows as you understand yourself more deeply.

Self-aware people are often seen as emotionally intelligent leaders because they know their strengths and weaknesses well.


Self-regulation is about having control over your feelings and reactions. It means you can manage your emotions, even when things get tough. You stay calm, think before reacting, and don't let anger or sadness take over too quickly.

This skill helps in daily life and at work because you handle stress better and make good decisions.

To improve self-regulation, try to recognise what triggers your emotions. Then find ways to stay calm, like deep breathing or taking a short walk. Remembering that practice makes perfect applies here too – the more you work on it, the easier it becomes.


Empathy is about understanding other people's feelings as if they were your own. Imagine you're in someone else's shoes, feeling what they feel.

This skill helps in building healthy relationships and managing conflicts better.

To practise empathy, really listen when others talk. Watch their body language and notice the tone of their voice. These clues can show how they are feeling. By doing this, you learn to connect with others on a deeper level, improving social awareness and relationship management.


Motivation pushes us to achieve our goals, work towards success, and improve our lives. It is the driving force that keeps us moving forward, even when obstacles come up. People with high emotional intelligence use their motivation to stay focused and keep a positive outlook.

They see challenges as steps to grow rather than roadblocks.

This inner drive helps emotionally intelligent people set and reach personal and professional goals. They're not just about dreaming; they're into doing. By staying motivated, these individuals manage day-to-day life with a clear vision of what they want to achieve, making each step purposeful and directed towards greater self-awareness and emotional management.

Social skills

Social skills play a crucial part in boosting your emotional intelligence. They're all about how well you communicate and get along with others. Whether it's at work, with friends, or during family gatherings, showing strong social skills can make a big difference.

It involves active listening, understanding nonverbal cues like facial expressions and body language, and responding appropriately to them. This way, you create positive connections.

Developing better social skills means practicing empathy and assertive communication. You learn to see things from other people's points of view – feeling what they feel helps you connect on a deeper level.

Being assertive allows you to express your thoughts and feelings openly without stepping on toes or causing conflict. Plus, it helps build self-confidence as you navigate various social situations more smoothly.

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He's now far more aware of his impact on others

How to Develop Emotional Intelligence Skills

Developing emotional intelligence skills starts with a bit of self-reflection and practice. It's about diving deep into how we feel, why we react the way we do, and how to understand others better.


Journaling is a powerful tool for boosting your self-awareness. It helps you track emotions and reactions over time. By writing down your feelings, you can notice patterns and triggers.

This practice makes it easier to understand why you feel a certain way. It's not just about venting; it's a method to explore deeper into your emotional experiences.

Next up, we will look at how a 360-degree assessment can further enhance your journey in understanding and improving emotional intelligence skills.

360-degree assessment

A 360-degree assessment helps you see how others view your emotional intelligence. Friends, family, and workmates give feedback on your behaviour and interactions. This shows areas to improve and strengths to build on.

It's like holding up a mirror to your emotional skills.

Gathering this info can be eye-opening. You learn about your impact on people around you. Use the feedback wisely - recognise emotions that need attention and practice self-regulation techniques more often.

It guides personal growth in both professional success and personal lives, making it easier to manage conflicts and boost communication skills.

Active listening

Active listening is a key skill for boosting your emotional intelligence. It means fully paying attention to the person speaking, without interrupting or planning your response while they talk.

You show you're listening through eye contact and nodding. This practice helps you understand others' feelings and thoughts better, which can improve relationships at work and home.

To get good at active listening, try repeating what someone says in your own words. This technique ensures you've got their message right and shows them respect for their views. It's not just about hearing words but also picking up on nonverbal cues like tone of voice and facial expressions.

Using active listening can stop conflicts before they start, making it easier to remain calm under pressure.


Mindfulness means paying full attention to the present moment. This can help you become more aware of your feelings and thoughts without judging them as good or bad. By practicing mindfulness, you learn to notice your emotions without letting them take over.

It's like watching clouds pass in the sky - you see them but don't get caught up. This skill is vital for self-awareness, which is a big part of emotional intelligence.

You might try simple activities such as deep breathing, meditation, or taking a mindful walk to boost this skill. These practices encourage you to slow down and really tune into what's happening around and inside you.

They open up space for understanding your emotions better, making it easier to manage reactions in tricky situations. With regular mindfulness practice, noticing improvements in mental health and emotional outbursts becomes possible—it’s about taking one step at a time towards becoming an emotionally intelligent person.

Next up: Online courses or training..

Online courses or training

Our online course or training can really help boost your emotional intelligence skills. We cover a wide range of topics - from self-awareness to managing negative feelings. You'll find interactive exercises that make learning fun and keep you engaged.

Our course includes expert tips on how to practise active listening and improve your relationships, both at work and home.

The online coaching we provide is designed to fit into your day-to-day life without much hassle. By signing up, you also join a community of people looking to grow just like you.

This means extra support and motivation as you work on recognising emotions and boosting your self-confidence.

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She now feels more confident in tackling people

Steps to Improve Your Emotional Intelligence

Improving your emotional intelligence starts with a bit of soul-searching. It's about looking inward, recognising those tricky emotions you feel, and then reaching out to others for honest feedback - quite the journey, but oh-so rewarding.

Recognise and name your emotions

Knowing what you feel at any moment is key. It's like naming a song playing in your head; once you name it, you understand it better. This step – recognising emotions – helps increase your self-awareness.

It begins with simple actions. For example, if your heart races and palms sweat, you might be anxious or excited. Putting a label on these feelings as they happen can make them less scary and more manageable.

Practicing this skill daily sharpens your ability to notice not just the loud emotions but also the quiet ones that whisper in the background of your mind. You become better at identifying whether you're feeling low emotional intelligence signs like frustration or high notes of joy and enthusiasm.

Naming these emotions gives power - it means you're ready to tackle them head-on or cherish them more deeply, depending on which side of the emotion spectrum they fall on.

Seek feedback

Ask people you trust to tell you how they see your emotional reactions. This can be friends, family, or colleagues. It's like holding up a mirror to your emotions and behaviours. They might notice things you miss.

Make sure these are folks who care about you and can give honest, helpful feedback.

Use their insights to understand yourself better. If they say you're great at handling tough situations but could work on listening more, take it seriously. Work on those listening skills! Feedback is a powerful tool in improving emotional intelligence because it helps us see where we need to grow.

Read literature

After you've sought feedback, diving into books is your next step. Books on emotional intelligence give you insights and techniques to understand and manage feelings—both yours and others'.

They cover everything from recognising emotions to handling uncomfortable emotions with grace. Stories help too. Fiction can show how characters navigate complex feelings and relationships.

This helps you see emotional intelligence in action.

Reading makes things clearer--like seeing a map when you're lost. It boosts self-awareness by showing what's possible. You learn about core emotions and how they drive actions. Plus, it's not just about the heavy stuff; there are plenty of light-hearted reads that teach important lessons in being more empathetic or confident without feeling like work.

Practise empathy

Practising empathy means trying to understand how others feel. It's about seeing things from their point of view. To get better at this, listen closely when people talk about their feelings.

Ask them questions to dig deeper into what they're experiencing. This helps in conflict management and builds a positive attitude towards others.

Another way is to imagine yourself in someone else’s situation. Think about how you would feel if you were facing the same challenges or joys they are. Doing this regularly will improve your ability to connect with people on an emotional level.

It makes relationships stronger and helps in achieving success both personally and professionally.

Next, focus on using self-regulation techniques to manage your reactions effectively.

Use self-regulation techniques

After getting a grip on empathy, it's time to master self-regulation techniques. Self-regulation helps you manage your emotions and stay in control. To start, breathe deeply when you feel upset or angry.

This simple action can calm your mind and give you space to think before reacting.

Another key is setting clear goals for how you want to handle emotional situations. Think about what triggers your strong emotions. Then, plan steps to deal with these moments better next time they happen.

Using these techniques strengthens your emotional intelligence by teaching self-control and patience in daily life.

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Are you helping them think for themselves?

Establishing a Culture of Emotional Intelligence

Making emotional intelligence a part of everyday life means everyone gets better at understanding feelings. It's like building a team where everyone knows the game plan - recognise emotions, respect them, and respond wisely.

At work or home, this starts with leaders who set the example. They show self-awareness and empathy in their actions. Their open communication sets the tone, encouraging others to follow suit.

Creating this culture isn’t just about talking; it’s doing too. Practising self-regulation techniques during meetings or giving positive feedback helps cement these skills in day-to-day life.

Just imagine - a place where everyone listens well, understands deeper, and connects truly. It paves the way for stronger bonds and smoother interactions across all types of relationships.

Let's now look into how improving emotional intelligence brings about notable benefits in various aspects of our lives.

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Assertiveness, Listening Skills and Emotional Intelligence Training

Benefits of Improving Emotional Intelligence

Boosting your emotional intelligence can transform your connections with others, making every interaction more meaningful and rewarding.

Improved relationships

Getting better at emotional intelligence helps you understand people around you. It makes you good at reading feelings from what friends, family, or co-workers say and do. You learn to respond in ways that make them feel heard and valued.

This builds stronger bonds. People start to trust you more because they see you get them.

You also become better at handling conflicts. Instead of getting angry or upset, you use your skills to cool things down. You listen, show empathy, and find solutions that work for everyone.

This keeps relationships healthy and strong.

Next, let's explore how emotional intelligence can boost self-awareness.

Better self-awareness

Improving your emotional intelligence starts with self-awareness. It's about knowing what you feel, why you feel it, and how it can affect others. This skill lets you spot your emotions as they happen and understand your reactions better.

You become more in tune with yourself, helping in both personal life and at work.

Practising self-awareness takes a conscious effort every day. Pause and reflect on your feelings instead of just reacting. Over time, this builds up your self-confidence because you get to know yourself deeply—strengths, weaknesses, triggers and all.

As research suggests, people who are good at this tend to have stronger relationships because they relate to others' emotions well too.

Enhanced communication

After gaining better self-awareness, you naturally step into enhanced communication. You start to notice how your words and actions affect others. It's all about talking and listening in ways that bring people closer.

You share more clearly what's on your mind. But, it's not just about talking. Listening matters too. Good listeners pick up on feelings behind words.

Knowing what others feel helps you say the right thing at the right time. This skill makes friendships stronger and work life smoother. You avoid misunderstandings by paying attention to body language as well as words.

So, communication becomes a bridge between hearts and minds, helping everyone get along better every day.

Improved decision-making

Boosting your emotional intelligence can lead to smarter choices. You become more self-aware, knowing what you feel and why. This clarity helps in making decisions that are not just quick but also right for the moment.

With better awareness of your own emotions and those of others, you pick up on cues that might hint at the best course of action.

Practising self-regulation is key here. It allows you to pause before acting, giving space to think things through. Instead of reacting on impulse, you weigh options with a clear head.

This way, each decision is more likely to push you towards success in day-to-day life as well as long-term goals.

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Learn how to be both firm and fair

Tips for Emotionally Intelligent Relationships

Building strong relationships takes more than just luck; it's about understanding and connecting with others on a deeper level. By using tips for emotionally intelligent relationships, you can navigate the complexities of human emotions, ensuring healthier and happier connections in all areas of your life.

Work relationships

In work relationships, understanding and managing emotions can lead to better teamwork. Emotional intelligence is important here. It helps us be more self-aware and understand others' feelings.

This leads to fewer arguments and more cooperation. People with high emotional intelligence are good at resolving conflicts, too. They listen well and respect different views.

Building emotional intelligence also makes it easier to handle stress at work. Everyone feels supported when they can talk about what bothers them in a calm way. Plus, happy teams achieve success together because they communicate well and motivate each other.

Now, let's explore how an emotional intelligence toolkit can make a difference.

Family relationships

Family relationships can really benefit from better emotional intelligence. Knowing how to manage your emotions helps you understand your family members better. It makes talking about tough stuff easier.

You become more patient and kind. This means fewer arguments and more good times together.

Being emotionally smart also means you get where other people are coming from. You see why they feel certain ways. This can make a big difference in helping out during hard times or celebrating happy moments together.

Plus, it's all about building trust and respect among family members, which is key for a happy home life.

Romantic relationships

In romantic relationships, emotional intelligence plays a big role. It helps you understand your partner's feelings and needs. This skill makes communication clearer and fights fewer.

You learn to express love and care in ways that matter most to them.

Practicing self-awareness boosts your connection. You become more patient and kind. This is because you know how emotions drive actions. Next up, let's talk about family relationships.

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How aware are you of your effect on others?

Emotional Intelligence Toolkit

To boost your emotional smarts, dive into our Emotional Intelligence Toolkit - it’s packed with tricks to help you manage feelings like a pro.

Reflective questions

Reflective questions help you dive deep into your own mind. They let you spot your feelings and understand why you react in certain ways. Think of them like a mirror, showing what's going on inside.

Ask yourself things like, "Why did I get upset?" or "What made me happy today?". This practice boosts self-awareness and helps manage emotions better.

Jotting down these questions and answers can be a game-changer. It trains the brain to notice emotional patterns and triggers. Over time, this builds stronger emotional intelligence skills, making it easier to deal with day-to-day life scenarios, enhance communication, and improve relationships at work or home.

Plus, it bolsters self-confidence by letting you handle emotions smartly.

Tracking your emotions

Tracking your emotions means paying close attention to how you feel throughout the day. Get yourself a notebook or use an app to jot down what's going on inside. Note down moments when you're happy, sad, angry, or scared.

Look for patterns over time. You might see that certain people or places make you feel good or bad. This is about building self-awareness and emotional intelligence skills.

You can rate each emotion from 1 to 10 in intensity. This helps you understand which feelings are just passing through and which ones stick around longer than they should. Learning this gives you power - the power to manage your inner world better.

Use these insights to practice self-regulation techniques that help keep those big emotions in check.

Strategies for managing emotions

After getting the hang of tracking your emotions, it's time to learn how to handle them. One key strategy is practicing self-awareness every day. This means paying attention to what you feel and why.

It helps you understand yourself better and control reactions.

Another method involves using positive emotions to outshine the negative ones. When upset, think about things that make you happy or grateful. This can shift your mood from sad or angry to more joyful and calm.

Practicing self-regulation also plays a big role here - it's about calming yourself down before reacting in ways you might regret later.

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Now he listens before jumping to conclusions

How To Improve Your Emotional Intelligence Skills Conclusion

Improving your emotional intelligence skills starts with you. Dive into understanding your feelings, listen well, and keep an open mind towards others' emotions. It's all about practice - jotting down thoughts, seeking feedback, and embracing empathy in every interaction.

Remember, it's a journey of self-discovery that enriches not just you but also those around you. So keep at it, step by step.

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People used to be scared of him - no longer

How To Improve Your Emotional Intelligence Skills FAQs

1. What exactly is emotional intelligence?

Emotional intelligence... it's about being self-aware, you know? Understanding your own emotions and those of others. It plays a big part in managing how we react and connect with people daily.

2. Why is emotional intelligence so important?

Well, it’s crucial because it helps us navigate our social world - including work and personal relationships - with more ease. Being emotionally intelligent means you’re not just smart about books and facts but also about feelings and people.

3. How can I become more self-aware to improve my emotional intelligence?

Start by paying attention to your feelings, really tune into them... Practice self-awareness every day; reflect on what triggers certain emotions in you. This step alone can boost that emotional awareness significantly.

4. Can improving my emotional intelligence help me deal with other people better?

Absolutely! Once you get the hang of understanding your own emotions, you'll start getting better at reading nonverbal cues from others too... You’ll be more in sync with how they feel, which makes communication smoother.

5. Are there specific techniques for regulating my emotions?

Yes, indeed! Self-regulation is key here… Try deep breathing or counting to ten when upset – sounds simple but works wonders for calming down quickly... It's all about finding what method works best for you in keeping those emotions under control.How To Improve Your Emotional Intelligence Skills

Feeling stuck in understanding your own emotions? You're not alone. Studies show people with high emotional intelligence lead more successful lives. This training course will guide you through simple steps to boost your emotional IQ, making life a bit easier and happier for you.

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Learn how to be soft on the person yet tough on the issue

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