Kindness Is Contagious: How Civility Can Boost Your Workplace Morale

Kindness Can Transform Your Office Culture


Empowered Confidence

Master compassionate communication to feel empowered, boosting your self-confidence in professional interactions.

Stress Relief

Learning kindness skills reduces workplace stress, creating a calmer and more productive environment.

Cultural Strength

Developing civility fosters a strong, positive work culture, making everyone feel valued and connected.

Refine your communication skills by learning to harness your emotional intelligence with one of the UK's most acclaimed management training courses.

Why Choose This Training?

More Than Just A Course Of Lectures

What gets in the way of developing and holding on to new communication skills are old habits of thinking and speaking. Even if the advice is very good the reason why it rarely sticks are the mental habits people inevitably revert to, especially under pressure.

Unlearning those old habits and internalising a more effective and lasting approach to communication needs more than a short course of lectures on how to do it.

What Makes This Training Stand Out?

What makes this training stand out is the exceptional support through one-to-one coaching sessions and continuous feedback. Changing behaviour is not an easy task as old habits are hard to break.

With a 40-year track record we can help you cultivate practical skills, and build your confidence to so you can successfully navigate real-world challenges, ensuring lasting behavioural improvements.


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Course Summary

Training Objectives

Feeling low at work can be a real drag. Studies show that workplaces with more kindness have happier staff. This management training course will explore how civility can turn your workplace into a better place for everyone. You'll feel the change….

  • Kind acts boost morale and make teams work better. When people feel valued, they do their best work.
  • Stress goes down when we're kind at work. This leads to fewer sick days and more focus on tasks.
  • Leaders showing kindness encourages everyone else to do the same. This creates a happy place where good vibes help everyone grow.
  • Rudeness makes workplaces unhappy, leading to less work done. It also harms health and makes talented staff leave.
  • Training in emotional intelligence can spread kindness in the workplace. It helps understand emotions and boosts respect among team members.

Develop Your Emotional Intelligence

You will learn a set of powerful emotional intelligence communication techniques so that you can manage difficult conversations, handle challenging situations, build relationships and set firm boundaries.

Transferable Skills

The goal of this training is to equip you with the tools you need to build strong, lasting relationships in your professional life, although because these skills are so transferable many clients report vast improvements in their personal relationships as well.

Develop Skills

This is a skills development rather than just a theoretical programme, so the emphasis throughout will be on you taking turn after turn, practising your skills, while receiving feedback and coaching about your effect on others.

Repeated Practice and Feedback

In your coaching sessions you will be helped to practise dealing with the kinds of situation you find challenging, again and again, until you are confident you can do it successfully.

Video Analysis

We'll combine practical, hands-on experience with video replay and analysis and discussion of the principles involved to help you gain both skills and understanding. Special attention is paid to your individual training needs, so you can practise your skills in real-life situations that you have to handle at work.

Sustained Change

That's why as well as your place in a small group, this training includes a generous amount of private and confidential one-to-one coaching sessions online, spread over several months, ensuring an exceptional level of support. This will ensure the changes you make are sustained over a longer period of time and any obstacles are overcome. Choose between online training available worldwide, or in-person face-to-face courses in the UK.

Course Dates and Price

For a list of upcoming course dates (for online coaching and face-to-face training), the locations of the next 3-day public courses in the UK and pricing Click here.

Free Initial Session

This initial coaching session serves as an introduction to the "Skills with People" course, allowing you to understand the course's relevance and effectiveness for your specific needs before committing to it.

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Learn how to tune in to others and enable them to tune in to you

The Importance of Kindness and Civility in the Workplace

Being kind and civil at work does wonders. It makes everyone feel good and work better together. Furthermore, fostering psychological safety is pivotal in creating a positive work culture, as evidenced by a Google study which identified it as a fundamental element for high-performing teams.

Boosts morale and performance

Kind acts in the workplace do wonders for team spirit and work output. People tend to do better at their jobs when they feel respected and valued by their colleagues and leaders. A simple thank you or offering help during busy periods shows that kindness is contagious, lifting everyone's mood and making them want to push themselves further.

Creating an atmosphere where employees support each other can lead to amazing results. Teams work more effectively, meeting targets with enthusiasm rather than stress. This positive cycle starts with one kind gesture, inspiring others to act similarly, which boosts both morale and performance across the board.

Reduces stress

Being kind at work makes it a nicer place for everyone. This leads to less worry and tension. Imagine having a bad day, then someone helps you or says something nice. Suddenly, the day doesn't seem so rough anymore.

This is kindness in action - making stress go away bit by bit.

In a world where you can be anything, be kind.

This simple act of being thoughtful can lower blood pressure and make people feel calm inside. Stressful days become easier to handle because kindness acts like a buffer against the hard bits of work life.

So, let's spread kindness - it's good for our health!

Improves self-esteem

Kind acts and words in the workplace do wonders for self-esteem. People feel valued and good about themselves when others treat them nicely. This boosts their confidence to take on new tasks with a positive outlook.

Seeing kindness at work also makes staff more likely to be kind to others. This creates a cycle of positive behaviour that lifts everyone's spirits. Everyone starts feeling better about their roles and contributions, making the office a happier place to be.

Encourages a positive work culture

A positive work culture makes everyone feel valued and happy. People want to come to work and do their best. This kind of workplace is like a big family. Everyone helps each other out, listens, and respects one another's ideas.

It's not just about being nice; it's about making a place where good vibes help everyone grow.

Good leaders know creating this culture starts with them. They set the example by treating people well, giving clear feedback, and making sure no one feels left out or bullied. This approach gets everyone on board, building trust and cooperation across the team.

It turns the office into more than just a place to work; it becomes a space where positivity thrives, driving staff morale up and boosting productivity.

Alleviating Stress

Kind acts in the workplace reduce stress. They make everyone feel supported and less alone. This can lead to fewer sick days and happier workers.

A kind word or a moment of support can turn a whole day around, easing the burden of stress.

Creating a calm environment also helps people focus better on their tasks. Teams work together smoothly when they're not weighed down by worry.

Elevating Self-Esteem

Being kind can make people feel good about themselves. It lifts their self-esteem. This is key in places where teamwork matters, like at work. Higher self-esteem means everyone feels better about their role and what they can do.

This leads to better work and happier teams.

Kind acts show staff they are valued. This builds confidence. Confident staff take on challenges with more willingness. They believe in their skills more. And this belief spreads across the team, making the whole workplace stronger and more united.

Enhancing Interpersonal Relations and Dialogue

Kind words and respect make talking and working together better. They help people feel safe to share ideas without fear. This makes everyone do better work. By using kind words, we build trust.

This trust lets us solve problems faster and understand each other better.

Respectful chats and teamwork can change a workplace from just okay to great. It's about listening well, answering kindly, and helping out when needed. These actions create a strong team ready to tackle any task with confidence.

Fostering Teamwork and Cooperative Efforts

Teamwork makes the dream work in any workplace. Civility and kindness play big roles in getting people to work well together. They help everyone feel valued and part of something bigger.

This means teams can tackle challenges with confidence.

Two heads are better than one, especially when both carry a spirit of kindness.

Creating an environment where respect leads encourages sharing ideas freely. People support each other more, leading to better results. Everyone's effort is seen as important for success.

This way, cooperation grows naturally among team members.

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Now by involving people he takes them with him

The Impact of Rudeness, Disrespect and Incivility on the Workplace

Rudeness at work, or 'rude behavior', can significantly impact job performance and morale, leading to a toxic environment where individuals feel undervalued and ignored. This not only makes the workplace an unhappy place but also reduces productivity and encourages individuals to evaluate their colleagues more harshly. Such behavior undermines interpersonal communications and can have broader implications on organizational culture and employee performance, making it crucial to identify and address rude behaviors promptly.

Decreased productivity

Rude behaviour in the workplace leads to less work done. Workers spend time feeling upset instead of focusing on tasks. This makes everything slower and hurts the organisation's success.

A bad vibe from one person can spread, making others feel unhappy too. Then, everyone starts doing less work.

Lost productivity is costly. It can mean missed deadlines and lower quality in what gets made or done. When people are not nice to each other, they do not want to work hard or help out.

This makes it tough for teams to finish projects well and on time.

Negative of rude behaviour effects on health

Being rude or uncivil at work isn't just unpleasant; it's unhealthy, too. Stress from bad vibes makes people sick. They might get headaches, feel tired all the time, and even have serious stomach problems.

The mind takes a hit as well. Feeling down, anxious, or not sleeping well are common when there's too much negativity flying around.

A toxic work environment can lead to real health issues for employees, impacting both their physical and mental well-being.

Doctors say this stress can make our hearts and immune systems weaker over time. This means more colds and possibly bigger health troubles if things don't change. Keeping things friendly helps everyone stay healthier - body and mind.

Lost potential

Rudeness and disrespect in the workplace lead to lost potential. Talented staff may leave because of a bad environment. This means losing great minds that could have solved problems or created new things.

The company misses out on what these people could have done.

Teams suffer too. Without respect, people are less likely to share ideas or help each other. Great projects might never happen because someone was too scared to speak up. So, not only do individuals lose chances to grow, but the whole team does as well.

Damaged relationships

Bad behaviour at work hurts friendships and teamwork. People stop getting along well. They might not want to help each other anymore. This can make the workplace feel cold and unfriendly.

Trust breaks down too. Without trust, working together gets hard. Jobs that need teamwork suffer the most. People may start feeling alone at work, making everything harder to do.

Reduction in Productivity

Rude behaviour in the workplace can lead to less work done. Workers feel unhappy and stressed, making them slower at their tasks. They might not finish their work or make mistakes.

This means the whole team can fall behind.

When people are treated badly, they lose interest in their jobs. The vibe at work turns sour, and everyone finds it hard to focus. People start calling in sick more often because they dread coming to work.

This all adds up, harming the quality of what gets done.

Effects on Staff Well-being and Spirit

Disrespect and incivility in the workplace hurt staff well-being and spirit. People feel less happy and more stressed. This leads to health problems and poor work life. Kind words, on the other hand, make people feel valued and part of a team.

They come to work feeling energised and ready to collaborate.

Kindness is not just about being nice; it's about recognising another human being's worth.

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Learn to get taken more seriously

The Benefits of Kindness and Civility in the Workplace

Kind acts and polite behaviour at work do more than just make the day brighter. They lay the groundwork for a happier, more productive team. In healthcare settings, this increase in job satisfaction and productivity is directly linked to improved patient outcomes, highlighting the critical role of kindness and compassion in patient care.

Reduced stress and improved mental health and psychological safety

Being kind at work makes us feel good about ourselves. It lowers our stress and helps keep our minds healthy. People find more joy in their job and get along better with others when they are nice to each other.

Simple acts of kindness can change a stressful day into a happy one. This means everyone feels better and works well together. It's great for mental health and makes the workplace nicer for everyone.

Increased job satisfaction and productivity

Kind acts and a civil work environment lead to happier staff. This happiness turns into better job satisfaction. People love their jobs more and do better work. They feel valued and part of a team that respects them.

This sense makes them put in extra effort happily.

Happy workers are more productive too. They solve problems faster and help others without being asked. Their positive attitude spreads, making the whole workplace nicer for everyone.

Good vibes mean better results for the company – it’s that simple.

Improved relationships and team cohesion

Kind acts in the workplace make teams stronger. People feel more connected and support each other. This makes working together smoother and more enjoyable. Trust builds up, leading to open talks and shared goals.

Everyone pitches in, making tasks easier to handle.

With better teamwork, problems seem smaller. Solutions come about quicker because everyone works as one unit. Sharing ideas becomes common, leading to innovative ways to tackle projects.

In such an environment, respect and empathy grow naturally among colleagues.

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Stand up for your ideas and also respect theirs

Promoting Kindness in the Workplace

To spread kindness in the workplace, start by being kind yourself and see how it inspires others to do the same.

Healthcare professionals face unique challenges in their work environment, including high levels of stress and instances of incivility from both patients and staff. This not only affects their cognitive function and performance but also contributes to the economic and human costs associated with workplace incivility. Promoting kindness within healthcare settings can serve as a powerful countermeasure, helping to manage disruptive behaviors and mitigate the emotional toll on these essential workers.

Leading by example

Bosses and team leaders play a big part in showing how to be kind. They must act kindly themselves, so everyone else feels it's good to do the same. If a leader helps out, listens well, and says thank you often, this encourages a friendly place for work.

Everyone starts to treat each other better.

Good behaviour from the top makes everyone feel safe and happy at work. It also shows that being rude or mean is not okay. This way, kindness spreads through the workplace. People become more willing to help each other and work together better.

Communicating effectively

Talking well matters a lot in making the workplace nicer. It helps everyone feel heard and valued. Good talk can clear up confusion and stop problems before they grow bigger. It's all about sharing ideas, feelings, and feedback in ways that are respectful and kind.

Leaders play a big role here. They need to show how it's done by talking openly and listening well. This sets a good example for everyone. Making space for team members to share their thoughts is key too.

This way, good vibes spread around, making for happier teams and better work days.

Providing support and resources

Leaders can help by giving teams the tools and support they need. This might mean finding helpful resources, like training videos or advice from experts. It helps everyone feel ready to do their best work, which is good for patients too.

Giving clear feedback is another way to support people. When someone knows how they're doing, they can keep improving. Plus, if there's a problem, addressing it early keeps things running smoothly.

This approach makes sure everyone feels valued and supported.

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Learn how to be soft on the person yet tough on the issue

Creating a Culture of Kindness With Emotional Intelligence

Creating a culture of kindness starts with emotional intelligence. It’s about understanding and managing our own emotions, and seeing and respecting the feelings of others. Training in emotional intelligence significantly contributes to the ability of healthcare professionals to provide quality care. This is because the capacity to handle stress, disruptive behaviors, and incivility with emotional intelligence directly impacts the quality of care patients receive. By fostering a workplace environment that prioritizes emotional intelligence, healthcare providers can mitigate the human and financial costs associated with decreased quality of care, medical errors, and the economic burdens these issues place on the healthcare system.

Training and education

Training and education play a big part in making kindness spread at work. They help people understand how their actions affect others. Teaching staff about respect, empathy, and how to talk openly is key.

Workshops and courses can show ways to be kind without giving up being strong. This approach helps everyone feel valued and heard.

Leaders should lead these training sessions sometimes too. Showing they care makes a huge difference. It sets an example for everyone else. Learning together builds a team that supports each other better.

This way, kindness becomes the norm, not just something nice to have.

Fostering a sense of respect and empathy

Creating a space where respect and empathy are key helps everyone in the workplace. Education on these values shows how to understand others' feelings and views. This makes a team work better together, lifting morale and productivity.

Such an environment invites open communication, allowing staff to share ideas without fear of being judged harshly.

Leaders play a big part here by setting examples. They show kindness and listen well, making it clear that everyone's voice matters. This approach builds stronger bonds within teams, encouraging people to support each other.

As a result, the whole workplace becomes more pleasant and welcoming for all.

Encouraging open communication

Open communication makes everyone feel heard and respected. It lets people share ideas and worries without fear. This builds trust and helps solve problems quickly. A team that talks openly can work better together.

Leaders should listen well and speak clearly to set an example. Training in good communication can help too. This way, all team members can learn to talk and listen in a helpful way.

Good talk at work makes teams strong and ready for any challenge.

How to be assertive without being unkind or aggressive

Being assertive means expressing your needs and opinions in a clear and direct way, without stepping on others' toes. To do this well, focus on using "I" statements. Say things like "I feel" or "I think".

This approach makes it about your perspective, not blaming others. Also, listen actively. Pay attention to what others say without interrupting them. Listening shows respect and helps you understand their point of view.

Choose your words carefully too. Avoid harsh language or tones that might come off as aggressive. Aim for calm and steady speech; this way, people are more likely to hear you out rather than getting defensive.

And finally, empathy is key - try to see things from the other person's viewpoint as well as your own. This doesn't mean giving up on what you need but finding common ground where everyone feels valued and heard.

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People used to be scared of him - no longer

The Responsibility of Leaders in Promoting Kindness

Leaders set the tone for kindness in the workplace, showing everyone how to act and treat each other with respect. In one notable strategy, leaders were divided into two groups to test different approaches in promoting kindness and observing the impact on workplace culture.

Setting the tone

Leaders play a crucial role by setting the right tone. They show everyone else how to act with kindness and civility at work. This starts with them being kind and respectful themselves.

Then, they make it clear that rudeness or bullying won't be allowed. By doing so, they create an environment where everyone feels safe and valued.

Addressing rude behaviour quickly is key. Leaders need to step in as soon as they see it happening, showing that bad actions have consequences. This helps keep the workplace friendly and supportive for all.

It's all about making sure respect and empathy are part of daily life at work, leading to a happier team overall.

Addressing rude behaviour

Stopping rude behaviour in its tracks is key. The moment someone acts rudely, speak up. Do this in a way that's firm yet polite. Tell them what they did wrong and why it's not okay.

It's all about setting clear lines on what behaviour is accepted.

Leaders must take charge here too. They should spot rude acts and deal with them straight away. This might mean having tough talks or even giving out consequences if the bad behaviour keeps happening.

Their role involves making sure everyone knows that rudeness won't be ignored and will be tackled head-on to keep the workplace nice for all.

Holding individuals accountable

Leaders must tackle rude behaviour head-on. They can set clear rules about what is okay and what's not at work. This means telling staff when they step out of line and making sure there are real outcomes if it happens again.

It’s part of creating a respectful place where everyone wants to do their best.

Dealing with issues straight away helps stop them from getting bigger. Leaders should talk to the person involved, understand their side, and guide them on how to do better next time.

If someone keeps being unkind or disrespectful, then more serious steps might be needed. It's all about keeping the workplace positive for everyone.

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How aware are you of your effect on others?

The Impact of Kindness on Mental Health and Well-being

Kind acts can make us feel happier and less stressed. When we work in a kind place, our mental health gets better.

Reducing stress

Stress at work can make people feel tired and unhappy. Kind acts and polite words help everyone feel calmer and more cheerful. This makes the team work better together.

Leaders play a big role in cutting down stress, too. They can set the mood by being kind themselves. This encourages others to do the same. Feeling supported at work helps staff deal with challenges in healthier ways.

Improving emotional well-being

Kind actions in the workplace do wonders for mental health. They make people feel valued and cut down on stress. This leads to a happier workspace where everyone gets along better.

Encouraging kind behaviour makes work a nice place to be. People enjoy their jobs more and feel good about coming in every day. This boosts morale and keeps everyone working well together.

Creating a positive work environment

A positive work environment starts with each person's actions. Kindness and civility play big roles here. They make everyone feel good and help teams work better together. Simple things matter, like saying "please" and "thank you." These small acts of kindness add up, creating a happier place for everyone.

Leaders must lead the way by being kind and respectful themselves. This sets a tone for the whole team. It also makes people want to come to work feeling safe and valued. A respectful workplace is key for reducing stress and improving job satisfaction.

Everyone does their best when they feel supported and understood.

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Learn how to be both firm and fair

Addressing Rudeness and Incivility in the Workplace

Tackling rudeness at work starts with a good look around. It means spotting bad behaviour and taking steps to stop it right away.

Assessing the current culture

First, leaders must look closely at their workplace culture. This means really seeing how people act and talk to each other. It's about noticing if rudeness or kindness fills the air.

They check how everyone - from top bosses to new staff - treats one another.

Leaders ask questions and listen a lot. They use surveys and talk with teams to understand how behaviors affect morale and work. If they find more rudeness than kindness, they know it's time for change.

Their goal is to create a place where respect, civility, and support are the norm—not the exception.

Addressing individual behaviours

Talking to each person about their actions is key. You must tell someone if they're being rude or not nice. This helps them see how their behaviour affects others. It's all about making sure everyone feels okay and respected at work.

Setting clear rules for how to act is also important. Everyone should know what's okay and what's not. If someone keeps being rude, there need to be steps taken to stop it. This makes your workplace better for everyone.

Implementing consequences for repeated incidents

Leaders must act if someone keeps being rude at work. They should make clear rules about what happens when people don't act kindly. This could be a warning, training on how to behave better, or more serious steps for those who keep causing trouble.

It's key that everyone knows the rules and what will happen if they don't follow them.

This makes sure the workplace stays friendly and safe. Actions have to match words. If leaders ignore bad behaviour, it sends the message that rudeness is okay. So, dealing with issues right away helps keep a good atmosphere where everyone feels respected and valued.

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Assertiveness, Listening Skills and Emotional Intelligence Training

The Contagious Nature of Kindness

Just one kind action can start a wave of kindness in the workplace. Read on to find out how!

How one act of kindness can lead to a chain reaction

A single act of kindness in the workplace can start a chain reaction. Imagine one person helps another with their workload. That person feels good and offers support to someone else.

This way, acts of kindness spread from one employee to another, creating a happier work environment for everyone.

Encouraging colleagues often leads them to do the same for others. It's like passing on a smile; it moves from one face to another, lifting spirits everywhere it goes. Soon, you'll find that what started as a small gesture has grown into a culture of support and positivity across the entire team.

Encouraging kindness outside of the workplace

Kind acts don't stop at the office door. Taking kindness home and into our communities can make big waves. Small actions like helping a neighbour, volunteering, or simply sharing a smile can spread positivity far and wide.

These gestures build bridges between people, creating stronger bonds in every part of life.

Leaders play a huge role here too. They set examples not just at work but outside as well. By getting involved in community projects or showing generosity, leaders inspire others to do the same.

This chain reaction brings out the best in everyone, making our world a kinder place bit by bit.

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Are you helping them think for themselves?

Conclusion: The Contagious Power of Kindness in the Workplace

Spreading kindness at work makes everyone feel better. It lifts spirits, strengthens teams, and even helps us all do our jobs better. Creating a kind place to work doesn't just happen; it takes effort from everyone, especially leaders.

By choosing civility over rudeness, we build a healthier, happier workplace where everyone can thrive. So let's keep the cycle of kindness going - after all, its good vibes can truly catch on!

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She now feels more confident in tackling people

Kindness Is Contagious: How Civility Can Boost Your Workplace Morale - FAQs

1. What does "kindness is contagious" mean for workplace morale?

It means when people are kind at work, it spreads. Everyone starts to act nicer, and this makes the whole place feel better. It's like a good bug that everyone catches.

2. How can being polite help in hospitals for healthcare professionals dealing with patient outcomes?

When doctors and nurses are polite to each other, they work better together. Surveys conducted in the past year have assessed the impact of politeness and civility on healthcare environments, showing that such behavior leads to improved teamwork. Consequently, patients receive better care because the healthcare staff is happier and more focused on their well-being.

3. Can leadership make a difference in how kind people are at work?

Yes, definitely! Leaders who show kindness make it clear that being nice is important. This encourages everyone else to do the same, making the whole team stronger.

4. Why should we care about keeping workers happy?

Happy workers do their jobs better – simple as that! When people feel safe and respected, they come up with great ideas and help each other out more.

5. Does research really say kindness works?

Yes! Studies have found when one group starts being kinder; it affects others too - making the whole place nicer for everyone.

He's now fare more aware of his impact on others

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